How to incorporate interview feedback into your recruitment process effectively [with examples]


Rachita Jain


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To hire the best candidate for your team, you'll have to go through a long hiring process before finding the right one. But to be able to select the perfect candidate for the job, you will need to provide interview experience feedback for better organization.
In this article, we will discuss what interview feedback is, why it is important, and how to give great feedback in this article. We'll also provide the following:
  • Example of interview feedback.
  • Some tips on giving great feedback.
  • Interview feedback for unsuccessful candidates.

What is the meaning of interview feedback?

The interview feedback is a type of criticism or analysis you give to a candidate after they have finished an interview with you. It's good for your employer brand and your company's reputation to give constructive interview feedback as it helps you in improving your candidate experience. Most often, interview feedback is given when the candidate doesn't get the job.

Why is it important to give interview feedback?

1. For better decision-making

Interview experience feedback is an important part of the recruitment process as it is significant for helping recruiters make better hiring decisions faster and more effectively. You must communicate and collaborate effectively with the candidates to make good hiring decisions.

2. Better clarity

Interview feedback provides timely, well-organized, and easily accessible information to the recruiters. It gives them clarity of what to expect during a second interview session with a candidate.

3. To enhance the candidate experience

Interview feedback also helps you develop a better candidate experience. Candidates feel acknowledged and seen when you provide them feedback.
Therefore, the hiring teams must provide productive and fair interview feedback to the hiring manager as well as the interview candidate.
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The importance of providing interview feedback:

  • It reflects the concern that the employer has for the applicant.
  • The candidates get a sense of dignity.
  • Feedback on interviewed candidates enables them to develop the skills they lack.
  • Boosts the company's brand value and increases candidate engagement.
  • Improves relationships between candidates and employers.
  • Setting expectations will help the process move more quickly.

Example of interview feedback

It's always a good idea to have a few ready-to-use sample interview feedback when it comes to feedback on interviewed candidates. You can then provide feedback that is straightforward, meaningful, and brief. Here are some examples of interview feedback for you to use in various interview settings.

Examples of Feedback for Rejected /Unsuccessful Candidates before the final interview

1. Constructive Interview Feedback Example

This example of feedback shows that providing constructive criticism is the most effective way to improve candidates' feelings about your company.
Although the approach is the same as for technical feedback, keep in mind these reminders:
  • Concentrate on the issues and items that the candidate can resolve or improve.
  • Share your insights using concrete examples.
  • Make it clear that the purpose of the feedback is to assist the candidate in improving moving forward.
Hello, [Name of candidate]
I am writing this email to sincerely apologize for rejecting your [job title] candidacy. While we have selected another candidate, we would still like to thank you for attending the interview.
Your prior experience was perfect for that role. You also did a great job managing your time during the [Name of the technical test]. However, the team could not move on with your application due to the lack of creativity we noticed during the [Name of the technical test]. For instance, [explain how you usually assess someone's creative side].
Currently, there is fierce competition in the market for [job title]. We also have a pool of strong applicants to choose from. Out of dozens of applications, you were among the top few to advance to the final rounds of interviews.
It was very impressive that you took on a leadership position at a young age and had a variety of professional credentials to support your qualifications.
However, during the [Name of the technical test], I would have preferred to see more sophisticated problem-solving and strategic thinking abilities. I can share some resources with you that can help you improve further.
If you have any additional queries, please call [number].
Best wishes,
[Name of HR]

2. Technical Interview Feedback Example

This example of interview feedback is for vocal feedback delivered over the phone or in person. Technical interview feedback is something like this:
Hello, [Name of candidate]
I hope all is okay with you. I'm calling to let you know that we've found an excellent match for [role title] and have filled the position.
We had a lot of qualified candidates, and each one contributed something special, so it was a difficult decision for me and my team to make.
We chose the other candidate because s/he was a better fit for the [job title] as s/he has more experience in customer relations.
In our view, you do not have sufficient experience in this area of dealing with burn-out customers, and if you can gain some experience in this area, you are likely to be an asset to our organization.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [number].
I am writing this to express my gratitude for giving us your valuable time for the interview.
You were a strong candidate, and we would like to have you with us in the future. Please stay in touch.
Best wishes,
[Name of HR]
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Examples of Interview Feedback for Unsuccessful Candidates

You can email constructive feedback if a candidate has yet to progress too far in the interview process. Here are some examples of interview feedback for unsuccessful candidates.
When writing these emails, keep the following in mind:
1. Inform the candidates right away if you're not hiring them or if you won’t hire them.
2. Start with their strengths and summarize the interview highlights. These are shown in the templates that follow.
3. Specify one or two important factors that led you to reject the candidate. Avoid using too many general terms. Personalize and detail the reasons in this section of the email.
4. Offer advice on how the candidate might improve their weaknesses.
5. Conclude the letter by wishing the recipient luck in the future.
You can use the following sample interview feedback to help you provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates:

1. Example of interview feedback for unsuccessful candidates [Template 1]

Subject: Interview feedback for [job title].
Greetings, [candidate name]
It was a pleasure interviewing you for [job title]. We appreciate your interest, but we are not proceeding with your application at this time.
It's remarkable how much experience you have within the auto sector. However, we're searching for a candidate with a varied job background and sales experience across many industries.
Please find the attachment with a detailed resource file to help expand your knowledge across several sectors.
We'll keep you in mind for any open positions in the future that would be a better fit for your qualifications.
Once again, thank you for your time, and best wishes for your future endeavors.
Best wishes,
[Name of HR]

2. Example of interview feedback for unsuccessful candidates [Template 2]

Subject: An update on your [job title] interview with [company].
Greetings, [candidate name]
Meeting you and learning about your successes in previous positions was a pleasure. I'm writing to let you know that we've chosen to hire a different applicant for the [position]. This is due to their ability to commit to a flexible work schedule, which our company currently needs.
You have impressed our hiring team immensely with your experience and excellent problem-solving skills. We will keep a copy of your resume on file in case we have future job openings.
Thanks for taking the time to interview us and best wishes for your future endeavors. If you have any questions regarding our choice, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
[Name of HR].

3. A positive example of interview feedback for unsuccessful candidates

Subject: Feedback for your [job title] interview at [company].
Greetings, [candidate name]
I express my gratitude for your application and enthusiasm for working for our company.
Please accept my sincere apologies for not considering your application. We have chosen another candidate for the [job title].
Your [name of the previous company] internship experience stood out and helped you stand out as a candidate for the [job title]. But in the end, we chose a different candidate due to our need for a more researched experience.
If a better opportunity arises, we hope to have you on board.
Best wishes,
[Name of HR]
Even if a candidate does not receive the job, you should provide feedback on the interview candidate. Not only does this improve consistency, but it also reduces your risk of exposure to a candidate who is negative about not getting the job. Providing interview feedback on candidates is an essential part of the recruiting process.