What is an open door policy and how to create one for your remote team


Rachita Jain


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As managers locked themselves in their offices for extended periods, workplace communication suffered. Because senior leadership was never given the opportunity to hear from employees about the difficulties they faced on a daily basis at the company, issues like poor engagement went ignored. Nevertheless, in the 1970s, "management by walking about" and open-door policies started to appear, signaling a change in management approaches.
One of the main goals of every company should be to increase team productivity, enhance office communication, and guarantee the well-being of all employees.

Open door policy definition

An open door policy is a management approach in which leaders or managers keep their doors literally or metaphorically open to employees or subordinates, inviting them to share concerns, questions, or feedback at any time without fear of reprisal or punishment. This policy is intended to create a transparent and inclusive work environment that fosters trust, communication, and collaboration among all members of an organization. The open-door policy can be seen as a way of empowering employees and promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility in the workplace.
Now that we have understood what an open-door policy is, let's talk about its benefits and how to set up an open-door policy at your workplace,

Reasons to implement open door policy at the workplace

1. Improved communication

An open-door policy fosters an environment of open communication, which leads to increased collaboration, better relationships between you and your employees, and a better understanding of issues and concerns within the organization.

2. Increased trust

When employees feel comfortable approaching their managers or leaders, they are more likely to trust them. This can result in improved job satisfaction, greater loyalty, and higher retention rates.

3. Enhance problem-solving

When employees feel they can speak openly with their managers or leaders, they are more likely to bring up issues and concerns that may have otherwise gone unaddressed. This can lead to improved and quicker problem-solving and decision-making.

4. Greater accountability

An open-door policy encourages managers and leaders to be accountable for their actions and decisions. When employees feel comfortable bringing up issues, managers, and leaders are more likely to address them promptly and take responsibility for their decisions.

5. Improved morale

Employees whose voices are being heard and whose concerns are being addressed are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and more engaged in their work. It can lead to improved morale and a more positive work environment.

How to set up an open-door policy

An open-door policy at work has many advantages, but if implemented improperly, it could make matters worse. An open-door policy will only be successful if you introduce it intentionally and strategically, just like any other change you make at work.
Here are the three actions you should take to make your workplace a place where communication is more frank and open:

1. Be more approachable

  • Set aside regular office hours: You can designate specific times during the week when you or the managers are available for drop-in visits or virtual meetings with employees. This can create a sense of consistency and predictability for employees, making it easier for them to seek out the manager when needed.
  • Be visible and available: You should make a conscious effort to be visible and approachable throughout the workplace. This could involve spending time in common areas or walking around to check in with employees. In the remote work scenario, you can become more visible by being active with your team. Try to listen to their problems and resolve them quickly. Guide them throughout so they can trust you. That is how they will see you as someone who is approachable.
  • Create a culture of openness: You can foster a culture of openness and transparency by encouraging employees to share their thoughts and ideas, even if they differ from the manager's perspective. This can be done by acknowledging and valuing diverse opinions, providing constructive feedback, and being willing to compromise when necessary.
  • Follow up on issues: Finally, you should follow up on issues brought to your attention, even if you cannot resolve them immediately. This shows that you are taking the employee's concerns seriously and are committed to finding a solution.

2. Communicate the policy

  • To ensure that everyone has information about the open-door policy, it's essential to use multiple communication channels. This could include sending an email, posting a notice in a common area, or discussing the policy during a staff meeting.
  • It's important to emphasize the benefits of the open-door policy to employees.
  • To ensure that employees fully understand the open-door policy, you should encourage questions and feedback. This can be done by setting aside time during meetings or by creating an anonymous feedback mechanism.
  • Once the open-door policy has been communicated, it's essential to provide ongoing support to employees. This could involve regular check-ins, follow-up meetings, or additional communication training with management.

3. Set clear boundaries

  • Define the scope of the open door policy: It's essential to define what types of issues can be discussed through the open door policy. This may include concerns related to work assignments, interpersonal conflicts, or workplace policies, but it's important to set limits to avoid employees overusing the policy.
  • Maintain confidentiality: You must establish confidentiality guidelines when employees come to you with issues. This will help employees feel comfortable discussing sensitive matters with you, knowing that their information is being kept private.
  • Indication for the unavailability: As anyone can be interrupted to address a genuine emergency, you should have a mechanism to indicate when you are unavailable, such as when you are in a meeting or working towards a pressing deadline.

4. Listen actively

Active listening is an essential component of a healthy open-door policy. Here are some tips for actively listening to employees:
  1. Pay attention: You should pay close attention to the employee when they are speaking, giving them their full attention. This means putting aside distractions like phones or email and focusing solely on the employee.
  1. Show empathy: Demonstrate empathy and understanding by putting yourself in the employee's shoes and acknowledging their feelings and concerns.
  1. Ask clarifying questions: Ask open-ended questions that encourage employees to elaborate on their thoughts and concerns. This can help you better understand the issue at hand and help employees feel heard.
  1. Paraphrase: You should paraphrase what the employee has said to ensure they have understood the message correctly. This can also help employees feel that their concerns are being taken seriously.
  1. Validate: Validate the employee's feelings by acknowledging their point of view, even if you disagree. This can help build trust and rapport between you and the employee.

5. Train managers on how to handle policy

One aspect of successfully implementing the open-door policy is educating your staff about it.
If you are an executive in an organization, you must also give the managers the tools they need to implement the policy in a responsible manner.
If managers don't work together, telling employees they may talk to their superiors about problems or suggestions will have terrible results. Deep mistrust and a sense of betrayal will result from it.
Because of this, it's crucial to instruct managers on how to react to any circumstance in which their employees may approach them with.

6. Have a conflict management plan

You must have a strategy for handling workplace disagreement because it will play a significant role in your open-door policy.
Individuals might come to you if they cannot resolve their differences with their immediate management. Instead of taking sides in this kind of circumstance, you should try to act as a mediator.
When your employee comes to you with a complaint about their immediate boss, the first thing you should ask them is, "Have you talked to them about it?"
You should engage both participants in the discussion, assist them in comprehending the issue, and work with them to develop a joint solution.
Furthermore, when an employee brings a conflict or concern forward, there needs to be a clear process for resolving the issue. Establish a step-by-step process that includes the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved. For example, the employee might first speak to their direct supervisor, and if the issue cannot be resolved at that level, they can escalate it to higher levels of management.

7. Be unbiased

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  • Before making any decisions about the open door policy, gather all the relevant information to ensure that you completely understand the situation. This includes reviewing any data or statistics related to employee satisfaction or workplace conflicts and feedback from employees and management.
  • It's important to consider the views of all stakeholders involved, including employees, management, and any other relevant parties. Take the time to understand each perspective and evaluate how it might impact.
  • It's essential to be aware of any biases that might be influencing your decision-making process. This includes personal prejudices and biases that might be present in the workplace culture or the larger societal context.
  • When making decisions, use objective criteria to evaluate different options. This might include metrics such as employee satisfaction, the effectiveness of similar policies in other organizations, or the cost-benefit analysis of different approaches.
  • To ensure transparency and accountability, document your decision-making process and the rationale behind your decisions.

8. Create a safe environment to make mistakes

How often does your staff ask you a "quick question" daily?
They don't want to occupy much of your time. Yet, if your staff keeps arriving throughout the day or if your chat box is constantly pinging with brief inquiries, you find yourself doing nothing but responding to these inquiries.
"CYA (cover-your-ass) culture" refers to a workplace where employees are overly reliant on their superiors.
In essence, it means that by delegating all significant decisions to you, employees avoid taking responsibility for their errors.
If this is the case with your team, you should consider why people are reluctant to make errors.
Do they worry about adverse effects?
Are you irritated by their errors?
Establish a culture where mistakes are viewed as chances for growth and learning, and give your workers the freedom to decide for themselves.

9. Establish regular check-ins

Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with employees to discuss any concerns or issues they may have. This can help create a more open dialogue and build trust.

10. Create a feedback mechanism

Encourage employees to share feedback on the open-door policy and any suggestions they have for improving communication and collaboration within the organization.

Open-door policy examples

Saint Louis University

Higher education institutions are also urged to have open-door practices. The open-door policy at Saint Louis University aims to add a more informal conflict-resolution mechanism to the existing processes for staff grievances and employee reviews.
According to the policy, employees can seek assistance from their immediate supervisor by bringing up any queries, recommendations, or problems. The policy instructs employees to adhere to the more formal staff grievance policy if they do not receive support.


IBM offers its employees two different types of open-door policies. The first encourages employees to approach senior management with any reservations or complaints, avoiding any direct line supervisors who might be failing to appropriately handle their problems, either purposefully or accidentally. Second, anyone can report issues anonymously via a dedicated phone line, email address, or postal address if they are concerned that doing so might hurt their career chances.


HP has a well-established open-door policy with three primary goals. The first is to foster a culture of open communication between managers and their teams daily. The second is to continue offering staff a way to get feedback or advice. Ultimately, HP wants to leverage the idea to spot problems early so they may be quickly fixed. The organization strongly emphasizes the idea that employees should feel free to communicate openly with their superiors without worrying about facing the consequences.


HR platform Keka is a reasonably open model you can use as a template if you want an example of how to create your open-door policy. Keka's blueprint is split down into many sorts of interactions, including complaints, feedback, counseling, issue resolution, personal themes, safety, and harassment, in addition to clearly defining what an open door policy is and its scope. The policy also emphasizes a distinct set of guidelines for the timing, location, and mode of conversations.

Health Information Alliance, Inc.

The Health Information Alliance, Inc. operates on an open-door philosophy that promotes a productive workplace. The "open-door issues" included in this policy are things like-
  • disciplinary action
  • job assignments
  • interpretation or application of policies and procedures
  • transfer and nonsupervisory promotions
  • other employment concerns
There is noticeably no mention of other topics like assessments or relationship issues.
The employee is advised to initially communicate with their direct supervisor in this more hybrid open-door policy that also adheres to the traditional chain of command. If its employees have a problem with their boss, they can address it with their supervisor's management by moving up the chain of command.