
Arc is a remote developer hiring platform (contract & permanent). Arc makes it easier for fast-growing companies to hire..
About Arc
Arc is a remote developer hiring platform (contract & permanent). Arc makes it easier for fast-growing companies to hire expert developers across all time zones and tech stacks.
Arc connects you with trusted remote developers so you stop wasting time on bad hires. Only the top 1.1% pass the Silicon Valley-caliber interview process.
Few of the important highlights of Arc for developers:
1. Effortless
- No job applications. Speak directly to hiring managers.
- Stop sending resumes into the abyss and getting spammed by recruiters.
- Get your profile featured to hiring managers, and get invited directly to interviews.
2. Fast and Effective
- Receive multiple offers in 2 weeks.
- Meet tech companies that know your preferences and expected salary up front. This saves everyone time and increases the intent to hire for each interview.
3. Personal Support
- Talent partners help you stand out across borders.
- Yes, even senior developers benefit from coaching. Get free, unbiased support from our talent partners to review your profile, prep for interviews, and negotiate a higher salary.
Few of the important highlights of Arc for companies:
- Find trusted remote developers and stop wasting time and effort on bad hires.
- Get pre-vetted talent, tailored to your needs.
- Our talent engine continually sources expert developers ranging from ex-Googlers based in the U.S. to engineering PhDs in Latin America.
- Our extensive network includes open source contributors, top Stack Overflow answerers, and the best of the 34,000+ mentors within the Codementor community.
For Developers
Arc is completely free for developers. There is no cost to use the platform. And there is no cost to you when you land a job through Arc.
For Companies
Companies only pay us when they hire. The fee is based on the candidate's annual salary only when you decides to hire. We offer a risk-free trial period to ensure that the developer you chose to hire is a perfect fit. If dissatisfied within the first 3 months, our team will match you with another developer free of charge.
[You can find more on this link.] (https://arc.dev/)
Significance to remote workers
Arc connects everyone with the global talent pool of expert remote developers.
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