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Askrunner Alternatives

About Askrunner

Askrunner events enable your audience to participate in virtual meetings and Q&As through submitting questions and voting.

What are the top Askrunner Alternatives?

Check out this list of the best Askrunner alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing, pros & cons and user ratings to suit your needs.

#1 Alternative

About Apptimized SafeBox

A safe box in the cloud that keeps issues and threats away from you.

No resource consumption

SafeBox is a SaaS solution with a potent PaaS component, so any of your SafeBoxes do not create infrastructure workloads or local performance issues for you.


Change is good, so any solution customizations you might need can be quickly brought to life by our experienced development team.


Reduce time and efforts needed to onboard and train IT staff due to intuitive and logically designed SafeBox interface, friendly to users of all skill levels.

Investigate before use

SafeBox provides a secure, cloud-based test lab for product evaluation and pre-production software validation and certification. Protecting corporate IT infrastructure from malicious software and reducing the risk of data leaks and violations of IT Security policies. SafeBox allows for peace of mind when conducting pre-installation assessments for any software without the need for make-shift workarounds, thus reducing contamination and providing the functionality required.

Isolation and security

A fully cloud-based environment with the highest degree of isolation from your infrastructure protects your company’s internal computers and networks from disruption, malware, and viruses. Using SafeBox, you receive a turn-key solution, so no security configuration or hardening is required on your end.

Access everywhere

Easy and effective to access and operate from any location and device. Consequently, minimal technical prerequisites and training to adopt solutions are required​. The minimum requirements of SafeBox are Internet access & a modern browser. No need to install any other applications or perform configurations to connect to SafeBox.


1. Plan: S

  • Price: $69
  • Duration: 1 month
  • 2 vCPU

2. Plan: M

  • Price: $109
  • Duration: 1 month
  • 2 vCPU

3. Plan: L

  • Price: $139
  • Duration: 1 month
  • 4 vCPU

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#2 Alternative

About ArboStar

Meet the most advanced Business Management Platform the tree-care and landscaping industry has ever seen.

Estimating / Invoicing / Follow-ups

ArboStar makes estimating, invoicing, and follow-ups one of its chief concerns, as performing all three of these functions efficiently and correctly is fundamental to a successful tree-care business of any size

GPS-tracking / Live Job Map

The ArboStar location tracking app provides you with all the features needed to monitor and control both office and field processes.


Use ArboStar to schedule all of your various jobs, meetings, and commitments, in a more efficient and scalable manner. Easy and Fast

Tree mapping

ArboStar provides tree mapping software with GPS-tracking and Live Map features. This feature takes away any guesswork from fieldworkers.

Equipment Management

ArboStar provides a full set of equipment management tools that a company needs, that includes: vehicle / tools map-view; repair requests; etc.

Employee Management

The employee management features in ArboStar provides a full set of employee management tools that a company needs


ArboStar All-in-One Business Management Platform is completely customizable for big companies. Custom / new modules, features


ArboStar has built-in sales reporting abilities. ArboStar ensures your success by providing an understandable real-time view of your sales activities.


You will always have a personal manager who will help at every stage of implementation ArboStar Platform into your business processes


Paid subscription Check out the complete pricing options for ArboStar.

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#3 Alternative

About Arengu

Create self-service signup flows with any stack and scenario. Visually build the UI, logic and automate your user onboarding with no effort.

Signup and registration flows Wether you're a SaaS company that needs a frictionless signup experience, or a fintech company that requires complex verifications flows (KYC/KYB), we help you create the ideal signup flow with best practices and no effort.

Popular features

  • Integrate with your API
  • Email / SMS verification
  • Insights & analytics
  • Stripe integration

Onboarding and profiling flows Extend your current signup flow with onboarding or profiling forms that gather extra information about your users. This will help you set the right journey to convert more users depending on their role, industry or desired use case.

Popular features

  • Conditional logic
  • Embeddable form
  • Auth0 integration
  • User qualification

Advanced lead generation flows Create different paths and automations depending on who's filling out the form and focus on the most relevant leads. For example, if the user belongs to a big company, display your calendar widget, otherwise, they'll see a thank you message.

Popular features

  • HubSpot integration
  • Waiting lists
  • 3rd party widgets
  • Instant notifications


1. Plan: Startup

  • Price: €100
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Up to 1,000 submissions

2. Plan: Growth

  • Price: €350
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Up to 10,000 submissions

3. Plan: Enterprise

  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: Custom

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#4 Alternative

About AskDr

Find reliable health information, along with reputed physicians to stay informed and leady healthy lives.

We Believe Access To Reliable Medical Information Is A Basic Human Right. Not too sure about a pain you've been feeling recently? Maybe you need a second opinion on a procedure?

Our Vision

Democratising access to reliable health information

Our Mission

To make the internet safer place for millions to learn about their health

Ask Medical Questions

  • We enable people with questions on health or treatments to get crowdsourced opinions from the medical community.
  • Everyone enrolled in our community can ask medical questions anonymously. You can then interact with your preferred doctor or continue your discussion in private.

Receive Answers From Doctors

  • Have your questions crowdsourced to a community of doctors with relevant domain knowledge.
  • Doctors can reply to questions by users and can also verify questions by other doctors anonymously. This creates transparency in every question.


AskDr is free to use after a simple sign up.

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