
Provide your team personalized professional coaching and support so you can grow talent internally.



Provide your team personalized professional coaching and support so you can grow talent internally.


Goal-setting For All

You set your broader company goals (e.g., reduce attrition, improve productivity), while your team sets their own professional goals. And Blossom brings it all together for you.

Top 3 Focus areas:

  • Productivity and Time Management
  • Career Development
  • Leadership Development


Hyper-personalized For Everyone

A personalized support system for everyone that starts with the right coach and resources, and ends with the metrics to show growth.

Get Expert ICF Coaches

  • Every coach on Blossom is ICF Accredited and top of their game

Personalized Matching

  • Coaching from professional coaches who have hands-on experience in your field

Only Pros Here

  • All coaches have undergone a minimum of 100 hours of training


Real Metrics That Show Impact

Blossom AI provides analytics beyond engagement to show you how attrition is trending, organizational sentiment, opportunities for professional and cultural improvement, and much more.

Visualize Company Progress

  • See how your organization is doing in real-time

Define Company & Individual Success Metrics

  • See the impact of coaching on your organization

Fast-track Growth

  • Tap in professionals to make sure your talent grows with your company


Professional Growth Experts

Don't have the time or scale to personally coach everyone? No need - Blossom provides everyone access to ICF coaches with decades of experience to support your team so they perform their best.

Industry Specific Matching

  • Sales, Product, Engineering, Design, and more

Help When It's Needed

  • No more waiting days or weeks till you can get an answer

ICF Accreditation Only

  • Only ICF accredited coaches to ensure the best for your talent


There are three pricing plans available: Professional, Premium, Platinum.

You can check further details for pricing or request a demo on this link

Significance to remote workers

Reduce Talent Acquisition and Attrition Costs. Your Founders and managers don't have the time to coach everyone. Give your team the professional support they need to grow. Retaining and promoting within can be that simple.


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