

Work with publishers and media sellers directly to get the most out of your ad spend.

Try Briefbid

About Briefbid

Work with publishers and media sellers directly to get the most out of your ad spend.

Create exceptional media plans based on unique insights

Access the largest open marketplace and request personalized proposals from media partners across all advertising channels.

Enhance your media strategies

Receive media plans with strategy, pricing and projected KPIs from niche publishers and specialized media vendors across any vertical.

Visualize media spend holistically and forecast results

Build media plans with fully customizable flowcharts in minutes. Generate and share unique access links.

Achieve more with your team and media partners

Collaborate on a platform that augments your existing processes and saves you time by eliminating layers of manual work.


Briefbid is free to use for agencies and brands.

Significance to remote workers

A collaborative platform for marketers, agencies and vendors to connect, plan media and grow brands faster together.

We are on a mission to:

Make the industry more connected by bringing media buyers and sellers together in the largest collaborative marketplace ever created.

Level the playing field for media sellers by aggregating niche media solutions and delivering their offerings to buyers in their key planning stages.

Grow brands faster with a suite of tools that help marketers navigate the media landscape, make informed decisions and get the most out of their ad spend.


Other Tools & Resources


Free version
Ecosystem Specific
Small teams
Team collaboration

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