

Buildern is a residential construction management software that helps businesses streamline administrative functions and..

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About Buildern

Buildern is a residential construction management software that helps businesses streamline administrative functions and pre-sales activity.

Create and Share Accurate Estimates With Your Clients

  • Accurately estimate your projects with a powerful estimating tool.
  • Generate professional proposals for your clients with every cost included.
  • Easily create materials lists and labor costs for a detailed breakdown of the project expenses.

Get accurate material takeoff

  • Accurately measure and calculate the materials needed for each project.
  • Add material costs to estimate the project budget.
  • Easily view and order materials from a variety of vendors.

Send professional-looking construction proposals effortlessly

  • Generate professional-looking proposals with a few clicks.
  • Add attachments and notes to build trust with clients
  • Easily share your proposal online or print it out.
  • Make the right first impression with polished construction proposals.

Leverage scheduling to keep projects on track

  • Easily manage your project timeline
  • Set reminders, deadlines, and milestones
  • Keep everyone informed with real-time updates on projects


1. Plan: Starter

  • Price: $199
  • Duration: 1 month

2. Plan: Professional

  • Price: $399
  • Duration: 1 month

3. Plan: Enterprise

  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: Custom

You can check further details for pricing on this link

Significance to remote workers

Buildern offers comprehensive project management software that takes the weight off your shoulders. Easily handle pre-sales, administrative tasks, and financial management with our powerful construction toolset.

With Buildern, projects are always delivered on time and within budget. Focus on what really matters: building success!

Don't wait until you are back in the office to check on your project. Get real-time project updates from any device—mobile, tablet, desktop, and more.

  • Manage your project easier
  • Report from anywhere
  • Accelerate field inspections
  • Access the schedule anytime


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