
Chirr App Alternatives

About Chirr App

Chirr App is a powerful Twitter thread maker.

What are the top Chirr App Alternatives?

Check out this list of the best Chirr App alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing, pros & cons and user ratings to suit your needs.

#1 Alternative

About CSVbox

Add a CSV import widget to your app in just a few minutes. Delight your users with a hassle-free spreadsheet upload experience.

Handle Technical Edge Cases

What if there are commas or quotes inside the fields? What if I put a BOM in the file? What if there is invalid or missing escaping? Cryptic error messages can wear you down.

Address User Experience

Users hate having to read documentation or watch video tutorials on how to format and upload spreadsheets. A bad upload experience can cause the users to question the value of the main product itself.

Code Advanced Import Features

Trying to bake in advanced functionality such as CSV column matching, data validation, error handling, user experience, and security is like building an entirely new product in itself.

Strain on Resources

The support team has to deal with additional tickets from frustrated customers who are struggling with imports. Many times it can lead to your team manually cleaning the data and uploading it to the backend.

CSV Column Mapping

Allow your users to match the file column headers to the predefined data model. CSVbox uses intelligent algorithms to automatically match columns so that the users don't have to. This is the end of import templates and messy column wrangling.

Client Side Validation

Before submitting the file, the users can fix validation issues right inside the upload widget. This ensures that the uploaded data is clean and ready to use.

Data Destinations

Convert cleaned CSV, XLS, TSV files to JSON or XML format and push the data to any API, Database or App or your choice.

Event Hooks

Setup webhook listeners to receive alerts about widget events such as import complete. Receive metadata including custom user attributes to identify the users in your app.

Import Links

Use Import Links to import spreadsheets without a website or app. Create a full import page in just a few clicks and share the link with your customers—no code required.

Dynamic Data Model

Do you require a unique sheet template for each user? CSVbox provides the flexibility to add unique dynamic columns for each import at run-time.

Validation Library

The importer comes with a large pool of pre-built validation rules. Set up your data model in minutes without writing any scripts.


Accept spreadsheets programmatically and automate file submissions. More info here.


1. Plan: Sandbox

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: 1 month

2. Plan: Personal

  • Price: $9
  • Duration: 1 month

3. Plan: Startup

  • Price: $19
  • Duration: 1 month

4. Plan: Pro

  • Price: $49
  • Duration: 1 month

5. Plan: Growth

  • Price: $99
  • Duration: 1 month

6. Plan: Plus

  • Price: $199
  • Duration: 1 month

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#3 Alternative

About Chaos Genius

Workload Optimization, Query Improvement and Cost Governance for Snowflake.

Cost Allocation & Visibility

Cost attribution across queries, users, warehouses and more.

Instance Rightsizing

Recommendations on optimal Warehouse sizing and configurations for maximum utilization.

Query Tuning

Recommendations on query tuning for your most expensive workloads.

Observability: Alerts & Reporting

Email & Slack based alerts on anomalous usage & other insights.

Database Optimization

Recommendations on database tuning for optimal performance and storage cost optimization.

Data Access & Governance

Manage roles, users and access control for your data assets.


1. Plan: Free

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1 SF Account

2. Plan:Pro

  • Price: $500
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): Multi Account Support

3. Plan: Enterprise

  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: Custom
  • User(s): Multi Account Support

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#4 Alternative
logo (1).jpg
Chimp Rewriter
Competitive pricing
Free trial
Simple UI

About Chimp Rewriter

Chimp Rewriter Generates Article Faster Then You Can Type “Chimp Rewriter”

Chimp Rewriter Software Helps You Create The Best Niche Content Using Cutting-Edge AI Tools

Chimp Rewriter software is an article rewriter that uses the power of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP). The AI technology allows you to search for, analyze, and rewrite content at lightning speed. You can...

  • Spin or rewrite content in seconds
  • Create complex, original content
  • Rewrite in multiple languages
  • Create articles at the push of a button
  • Grab existing article, images, and videos
  • And so much more!

In the time it takes you to read the words on this page, you would have your best AI SEO content creation complete with brand-new, 100% original quickly and effectively, better-than-the-human-writers-you-can-afford-quality.

Chimp Rewriter AI Software Comprehends Content More Effectively than Low-Cost Writers.

How well do low-cost writers really create nice content? You already know the answer is: “Not very well.” Using the very same AI software algorithms and programming metrics search engines use to identify duplicate content, Chimp Rewriter software reads, comprehends, and helps you re-produce content with original meaning with 100% new words, syntax, and language structure. Who would you rather trust? A $5 an hour outsourced article writer or an AI computer with an extensive knowledge of language, syntax, prose, and more?

Chimp Rewriter Software is More than an Article Rewriter, It’s a Complete Niche Content Creation Assistant.

Use Chimp Rewriter’s AI tools to grab niche articles from across the web, research concepts automatically, and combine them into new, original niche articles. You can even automatically insert images and videos into the article, alternating from multiple sources at the push of a button. Search engines will love your best “originality,” rewarding you for sharing truly readable content on your backlinks (or even on your primary page!).

Chimp Rewriter AI Software Gives You Your Time Back. Run Your Business Instead of Worrying About Writing On Your Niche Website.

Generating the best articles no longer require contractor management. Don’t you think it’s time to take back your time and focus on what really matters? Use an AI article rewriter like Chimp Rewriter to manage your niche content creation needs, and put the time you (or your VA) spend dealing with writers to work scaling your business. You can even train a lower-cost VA to use Chimp Rewriter’s incredibly simple-to-learn AI interface, saving hours of time and thousands of dollars for high quality original content.

Chimp Rewriter AI Software Integrates With the Software You’re Already Using.

Use the Chimp Rewriter API to effortlessly link to major content creation suites and SEO tools WP Robot, RankWyz, Ultimate Demon, SEO Content Machine, GSA Search Engine Ranker, Kontent Machine and more. Chimp Rewriter API will generate content for any niche marketing website. Our software integrates with other content creation suites will make creating content easy.

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