

Deliforce is ultimate free delivery management software that makes your business easier by tracking the delivery boys in..

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About Deliforce

Deliforce is ultimate free delivery management software that makes your business easier by tracking the delivery boys in real time and streamline the complete data.

Add new tasks

Admin can assign tasks to agents, so that they get notified of new tasks

  • Add task
  • Edit task
  • Delete task
  • Set deadline

Task filtering

The tasks can be filtered by the Manager based on.

  • Filter by date
  • Filter by status
  • Filter by time
  • Filter by delay

Smart routing

Easily navigate to multiple destinations and ensure on-time deliveries

Tracking agents realtime

The agents can be tracked in real time using GPS

List and map view

The list and map view offers a clearer picture of all the agents on field along with their positions and the status of all the tasks

Automatic dispatching

Automatic dispatch of tasks to the agents in bulk can be done to drivers with no tasks assigned.

Get notified for new tasks

Agents get immediate notification for any new tasks created and available, along with the contact details and location. Agents can either start/cancel the task. Admin gets instant notifications as agents start the tasks.

Plan delivery

As soon as the task notifications are received by the agents, they can either start or cancel the task.

Proof of delivery

As a proof of successful delivery, the agents may collect images or signature, as checked in and set by the admin, as a proof of delivery.



  • Price: $0
  • 1 Agent (Driver)
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited dispatchers
  • Unlimited team

2. Plan: PAY AS YOU GO

  • Price: $0.08/Task
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Unlimited drivers
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited dispatchers
  • Unlimited team


  • Price: Custom
  • High security features
  • Custom control

You can check further details for pricing on this link

Significance to remote workers

Deliforce helps businesses to simplify and automate the entire process of logistics. It is time to get recognised from the crowd with final mile solutions. It is our duty to optimize all operations in the delivery system as per your business requirements.

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