
fikaTime Alternatives

About fikaTime

fikaTime is a Microsoft Teams App that helps your team meet new people, break down barriers and build deeper relationships.

What are the top fikaTime Alternatives?

Check out this list of the best fikaTime alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing, pros & cons and user ratings to suit your needs.

#1 Alternative

About Cafecito

Cafecito makes working remotely more human. Curating connections over coffee.

Our algorithm targets your interests and goals to find you a suitable partner to have a coffee break with. We've focused on building a terrific community of entrepreneurs, young professionals, and tech innovators. Every message begins with an icebreaker.


Free to use.

#3 Alternative

About Mystery Coffee

With Mystery Coffee, you can build relationships within or outside your organization and foster future collaboration.

  • Once you sign up for free with the email address of your organization, we randomly draw a new partner from your organization every Monday.
  • You get 10 matches with colleagues from your organization.
  • You meet for a 15 minutes Mystery Coffee via video call (e.g., MS Teams).


Participation in Mystery Coffee is free of charge!

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