

Fiveable helps you prepare for test day with AP study guides, practice questions, and cheatsheets.

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About Fiveable

Fiveable helps you prepare for test day with AP study guides, practice questions, and cheatsheets.

Study Guides

Textbooks are overwhelming. Our study guides outline exactly what you need, no more, no less.


Everything you need to know, all on a 1-pager. Use our cheatsheets as your study checklist.

Practice Questions

When it’s time to test out your AP knowledge, we have thousands of practice questions to make sure you know the important concepts.

Study Rooms

Study with friends in our study rooms. Organize your to-do list, try out the Pomodoro Technique and stay focused on your tasks

Save time

Whether it's the night before your exam or months before, you want to study faster. Our resources will help you cram better.


Fiveable is made up of former teachers and students who have taught and taken AP classes. We deliver what you need to know in an easily understandable way.

Reduce stress

We create AP resources to help you feel confident going into your exam. Exams can cause anxiety and stress and we’re not a fan of that.

Made for students, by students

Let’s be real, students know what’s up. Our content is created by students because who better to share their knowledge than current and former AP students?


1. Plan: Free

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever

2. Plan: Fiveable+

  • Price: $40
  • Duration: 1 year

You can check further details for pricing on this link

Significance to remote workers

Fiveable is powered by the idea of social accountability. Just like study groups, we believe that working with someone else is better than working alone. We built Fiveable in the interest of helping students feel like they're working side-by-side, virtually.

Fiveable helps you: • Stay focused and organized • Get motivated to be productive • Join groups studying the same topics




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