

FRSecure builds better security cultures and programs both in the organizations we serve and the information security in..

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About FRSecure

FRSecure builds better security cultures and programs both in the organizations we serve and the information security industry as a whole

What makes us different?

Mission Before Money

Our mission to fix the broken industry comes first. The priority has and always will be helping people. Whether it’s training, resources, or threat intelligence we will do our best to provide free tools to improve how we protect people’s data.

Award-Winning Team

FRSecure takes pride in our team’s performance. As a company we consistently win top workplace. We also win national awards based on customer satisfaction and our technical team dominates world hacking challenges at DEFCON.

Universal Assessments

We didn’t like how anybody quantified risk so we built our own assessment. Our unique risk assessment methodology is based on NIST, maps to every major industry standard, and extends far beyond simple technical controls.

Product Agnostic

We do not sell any third-party products, and security is all we do. Our advice will always be made with improving your security program in mind. We will never recommend hardware or software unless it’s what’s best for your organization.

How we help you

When you require validation and guidance from certified professionals

Each business has its own unique challenges when it comes to protecting data. Sometimes it takes outside assistance in order to not only recognize, but address information security issues. Whether you need to validate that your team is handling information security fundamentals well or need guidance in leveling up the efforts that reduce risk, an on-demand security expert can help you make positive strides.

When you don’t know which security efforts to prioritize

Many organizations understand they need to do something around information security and data protection, but don’t know which risks pose the biggest threat and don’t know where to begin combatting them. If you need assistance in understanding where your most impactful risks are and where you can get the most bang for your security buck, learn more about how FRSecure helps organizations like yours build security programs.

When you want to fill gaps in your defenses before they are targeted

Information security incidents happen. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when—regardless of how secure you feel you are. It’s important that organizations not only have defenses in place but that they test those defenses for gaps. If your organization is looking to understand where the gaps are in its technology, training, policies, facilities, and much more, attack simulation services can help.

When you want to be more confident that you will pass your next audit

With numerous standards, regulations, and requirements existing in our industry that organizations may have to adhere to, it can be a daunting experience. But it doesn’t have to be. If you need help navigating the complexities of regulatory requirements, interpreting their relationships to security, and implementing best practices in order to protect information along the way, FRSecure can assist you.


To learn more about pricing, you can use the contact form or simply call (877) 960 1814.

Significance to remote workers

Everyone requires information security, but those who work from home especially so. And FRSecure provides you that.

Information security is not as one-size-fits-all as others would lead you to believe. FRSecure works hard to assess your most significant vulnerabilities (information security assessment), put a plan together for managing those risks (information security roadmap), and helps you execute that plan (information security program development).


Startup Resources


Competitive pricing
Employee related
Large teams

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