
Framer Alternatives

About Framer

Framer is designing tool that lets you create web pages with text, links, media, and animations without any code.

What are the top Framer Alternatives?

Check out this list of the best Framer alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing, pros & cons and user ratings to suit your needs.

#1 Alternative

About EasyUserTest

EasyUserTest is a user testing tool that helps you boost sales with data on where your text misses the target. We validate your text & design decisions with real users.

Our solutions are perennial, advanced, and intelligently engineered to elevate your business value. EasyUserTest is an easy-to-use platform that helps you to validate your text & design decisions with real users. Our real human insights are for higher ROI faster than anyone else.

We can help you run a variety of tests and studies to inform your changes at critical points:

Website usability testing

Analysis of website usability with users performing real tasks. Provides an understanding of the user behavior on your website.

Social media design post testing

Assesses how your text and design are performing among your target audiences. Let you measure how a photo, video, and other variables impact performance.

Ad campaign testing

Displays multiple versions of your copy to your target audiences to help you predict effectiveness before launch. You’ll see how your campaign goes over in different markets.

A/B usability testing

A/B Testing tests alternative variations in your website, such as different types of buttons utilized for a call to action, alternative images, or headlines to predict what will make people click and convert.

Prototype testing

Lets you observe site guests as they interact with your design mockups firsthand. Reduces overall costs by detecting errors before further development.

Information architecture testing

Optimizes the organization, structure, and labeling of your content. Informs content strategy, user interface design and interaction design.


1. Plan: Quick & Easy Start understanding and optimizing on-demand feedback on your text and design with EUT.

  • Price: $59.90
  • Receive valuable clues with 10 testers

2. Plan: Advanced Get the data on where your text misses the mark, so you can fix it and convert more customers.

  • Price: $129.00
  • Feedback from 50 people

3. Plan: Ultimate Increased ability to understand what users want, communicate result advantages, and scale efficiencies.

  • Price: $399.00
  • Receive valuable clues with 200 testers.

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#3 Alternative

About Figma

Figma connects everyone in the design process so teams can deliver better products, faster.

Figma is a web-based design tool with real-time collaboration.

An all-in-one tool that improves workflows no ends as all things design can be done using Figma with developer handoff and project management being great add-ons.

Figma believes in collaboration without constraints as well as the power of shared understanding.

We have been on a mission to empower teams to create the next big thing on Figma. We want to build collaboration plugin for fantastic Figma users.


Figma for design and prototyping

1. Plan: Starter

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): 1
  • 3 Figma and 3 FigJam files

2. Plan: Figma Professional

  • Price: $12
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1
  • Unlimited Figma files

3. Plan: Figma Organization

  • Cost: $45
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1 account, unlimited teams
  • Org-wide libraries

4. Plan: Figma Enterprise

  • Cost: $75
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): Unlimited teams
  • Custom workspaces

FigJam for whiteboarding

1. Plan: Starter

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): 1
  • Code blocks and templates

2. Plan: FigJam Professional

  • Price: $3
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1
  • Open sessions, audio conversations

3. Plan: FigJam Organization

  • Cost: $5
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1
  • Plugin management

4. Plan: FigJam Enterprise

  • Cost: $5
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1
  • Workspace management

You can check further details for pricing at this link

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