

Centralized, actionable meeting notes that empower remote teams to make every meeting worth it.

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About Hugo

Centralized, actionable meeting notes that empower remote teams to make every meeting worth it.

Streamline your meeting prep

Start preparing for each meeting in one click. Breeze through meeting prep with 100+ templates. Then share your agenda and collaborate with others. That way, everyone shows up ready to make the most of your time.

Find any note, task, or decision in seconds

Keep your notes and tasks tied to your calendar so you can find what you need quickly. Hugo auto-organizes your notes by attendees, companies, and meeting details so you stay organized without effort.

Never let another action item slip through the cracks

Capture, assign, and track tasks in Hugo. Or send tasks to your project management tool. Because meetings without action are a waste of everyone’s time.

Collaborate without communication breakdowns

Put notes and tasks where everyone can see them. Use comments and the Slack integration to keep everyone in the loop. And share meeting docs with colleagues and customers — even if they don’t have a Hugo account.


1. Plan: Basic

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): Up to 10

2. Plan: Pro

  • Price: $8/ user
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): Up to 25 *Try FREE for 21 days

3. Plan: Business

  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: Custom

*Annual plans also available. You can check further details for pricing on this link

Significance to remote workers

Remote teams may utilise Hugo to save, sync, and share meeting findings.

  • Easy setup: your calendar(s) are automatically synced at sign up
  • Connect your calendar(s) to meeting notes and tasks
  • Streamline your meeting workflow
  • Search and filter to find notes in seconds
  • Integrate with 20+ tools including Slack and Salesforce
  • Assign tasks through Asana, Trello, Todoist, Jira and more
  • Use the Chrome extension for rapid meeting prep




Simple Solution
Simple UI

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