

Take charge of the mental health and wellbeing of your organization with an integrated and community-driven program.

Try MindFi

About MindFi

Take charge of the mental health and wellbeing of your organization with an integrated and community-driven program.

Connect the dots between your wellbeing initiatives, benefits, and resources.

  • Many wellbeing initiatives are well-meaning, but lack impact because they’re not executed and tracked as part of an integrated wellbeing program.

MindFi provides you with a centralized platform to integrate all your initiatives in one structured and trackable program so that you can deploy your best wellbeing strategy.

Break barriers to employee participation

  • Your wellbeing initiatives are under-used. It feels like you’ve tried everything to get participation rates up — but employees just aren’t engaging because of stigma and cultural barriers with mental health.

We help you break these barriers by emphasizing community-based initiatives, education, and personalization for every individual.

Gain wellbeing insights to run your best program

  • You run surveys to determine employee wellbeing needs but how do you know if the data is reliable? And how can you prove that your initiatives can positively impact the ultimate goal: your HR metrics?

We give you access to science-based data collection methods and metrics to accurately assess employee needs and take quick action. Furthermore, we’ll help you connect improvements in wellbeing to your core metrics to prove the ROI of your initiatives.


You can reach out to the team via this form and schedule a call to know more.

Significance to remote workers

Here at MindFi, we believe that workplaces play an outsized role in employee health. We’re on a mission to help companies safeguard the #MindFitness of their workforces, so they can pursue organizational goals sustainably.


Self Care


Premium Offering
Simple Solution

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