
Monkey Chat

Monkey exists to build communities. Communities without boundaries where you can talk to strangers from around the world..

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About Monkey Chat

Monkey exists to build communities. Communities without boundaries where you can talk to strangers from around the world, where you can be your most authentic selves, where you can meet interesting folks from all walks of life.

24/7 Moderation Team

  • A team of human moderators work 24/7 to review reports submitted by users. Any users that have acted inappropriately, and/or violated our Community Guidelines, are instantly banned from the app.

Machine Learning

  • We use state-of-the-art machine learning technologies to identify users who violate our policies or engage in inappropriate behavior on Monkey.

People are given the power

  • Monkey is self-governing. If a user sees something inappropriate on Monkey he or she can tap the report button to have it reviewed within minutes by our moderation team.

Community Guidelines

  • Our community guidelines outline what content is deemed inappropriate, including content that is explicitly sexual, violent, or intended to promote physical or emotional harm to an individual or group.


It's free to use.

Significance to remote workers

Monkey is a global community, and we're committed to creating an online space where individuals can genuinely connect with new people and make new friends, securely and safely.


Team Chat


Free forever
Simple Solution
Simple UI

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