
Pivotal Tracker

Pivotal Tracker is the story-based product management tool that makes collaboration easy and keeps cross-functional agil..

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About Pivotal Tracker

Pivotal Tracker is the story-based product management tool that makes collaboration easy and keeps cross-functional agile teams in sync.

Stories define your project

  • Every project starts with a story, no matter what you're building. Tracker helps your team better develop and keep track of them while they progress from start to delivered.


  • Get predictable and stay that way: Say goodbye to managing timelines and meeting unrealistic expectations, and let velocity do the planning.


  • Set up your perfect space: use multi-project workspaces to view your projects side-by-side and juggle various responsibilities on one screen.


  • Don't miss a thing: configure notifications to get the updates and messages you need, when you want them, at your desk or on the move.

Mentions and Following

  • User mentions are where it's @: bring people into story conversations with simple @mentions, and follow stories you're involved with or interested in.


  • Find what you need: powerful search syntax supports nested Boolean expressions. Save common searches for later, or share them with the team.

File Sharing

  • Enhance your stories: drag-and-drop mock-ups, presentations, and other files from your computer, or attach them from Google Drive.


  • Make a big to-do (or a small one): keep your story duties in line with a simple checklist and revel in the joy of checking them off the list.


  • Put a label on it: organize and monitor stories with searchable labels to make your workflow more visible and call out stories that deserve attention.

Story Blockers

  • Watch out for roadblocks: Story blockers help make project impediments highly visible so your team can collaborate to resolve them.


  • Build the perfect beast: Tracker's functionality is exposed via the REST API, allowing you to create a variety of tools and integrations.

Project History

  • Follow the breadcrumb trail: view everything that's happened in a project from day one to see how code changes are mapped to product decisions.


1. Plan - FREE

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): 1-5 collaborators
  • 5 project limit

2. Plan- STARTUP

  • Price: $10 monthly flat rate
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 6-10 collaborators
  • Unlimited projects


  • Price: $6.50 per collaborator, per month
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 11+ collaborators
  • Unlimited projects


  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: Custom
  • User(s): Custom

You can check further details for pricing on this link

Significance to remote workers

Succeeding in an evolving tech landscape requires a time-tested process and a tool your team can rely on. Tracker's modern workflow helps your team keep the pace and adapt when needs change.

Proven project management for successful teams

With a shared view of team priorities, a process that fosters collaboration, and dynamic tools to analyze progress, your team will deliver more frequently and consistently.

Keep your team on the rails.

Tracker's shared backlog makes priorities clear so the team can stay organized. Easily visualize scope, focus your teamwork, and stay nimble when circumstances change.

Get more work done, more often.

Tracker's guided iteration planning helps you break down and prioritize projects into manageable chunks so the team can keep the momentum toward delivering.

No more surprises.

With a shared, clear view of your team's work, everyone has a real-time, single source of truth. A quick scan explains your team's status, who's responsible for what, and what's coming next.


Project Management


Free version
Large teams
Team collaboration

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