

Promyze is a platform dedicated to best practices definition and sharing for software developers.

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About Promyze

Promyze is a platform dedicated to best practices definition and sharing for software developers.

Create your own best coding practices

Directly while coding or during a code review, identify your own best practices with Promyze IDE and Code Review plugins!

  • In your IDE

Select code & indicate if you think this follows or not a best practice

  • During code reviews

Directly from a comment, create technical knowledge for your team

  • Submit topics or questions

Ask questions or suggest discussions topics for the next workshop

Share practices with your team during a Craft Workshop

Created best practices are explained to the whole team during this craft workshop. Boost the learning culture of your organization!

  • Review and validate best practices

Knowledge is shared as each practice is presented by the contributor and collectively approved

  • Discover practices from other teams

Browse and retrieve practices created by other teams in your company

  • Discover new practices outside your organization

On our public Hub, find new ideas from the Promyze community

Accelerate the onboarding of new developers

Reduce the time needed for a new developer to discover your best coding practices. Value your knowledge base to create interactive learning challenges.

  • Select a topic

Architecture, Security, Performance, a framework, a language,... Select a subset of your best practices

  • Discovery workshops

Help new developers quickly discover those best practices with interactive challenges

  • Identify knowledge gap

They have to identify where best practices are followed or not in the code. Tech leaders can then explain the unknown or misunderstood practices

Follow your best practices while coding or reviewing code

Promyze supports regular expressions to detect when best practices are followed or not.

  • You decide

Whether or not a best practice can be detected through syntactic recognition

  • The IDEs plugins prompts

Suggestions when it detects best practices not applied

  • The Code Review plugin decorates

The pull/merge request page and inserts code suggestions


1. Plan: Freemium

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): 1

2. Plan: Cloud

  • Price: $16
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1

3. Plan: Enterprise

  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: Custom
  • User(s): Custom

You can check further details for pricing on this link

Significance to remote workers

Improve engineers’ skills to leverage software quality, and reduce the mental load of sharing knowledge.

  • Every code review comment can become a practice in Promyze, capitalizing on this knowledge.
  • All identified practices are recorded and automatically suggested by IDEs and during code reviews to make these practices "living"
  • The Craft Workshops perpetuate a continuous improvement of best practices within the teams
  • Discovery Workshops and automatic suggestions allow newcomers to quickly discover all the practices of the team and the company


Code Collaboration


Developer collaboration
Free trial
Large teams

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