The virtual office that enables you to work remotely. See who's chatting with coworkers, out of the office, or on lunch ..
About Qube
The virtual office that enables you to work remotely. See who's chatting with coworkers, out of the office, or on lunch break.
Qube is more than just a replacement for physical walls. It’s a modern approach to a clean, personalizable and intuitive workspace that is truly joyful to work in.
- Watching
You know how some people always seem to be in meetings? Some of us have acquired the skill of pouncing exactly in between meetings. For everyone else, we’ve added the ability to “watch” people and be notified when they’re back.
- Make it yours
It’s your qube after all. Not too fond of our default color scheme? Well, maybe you prefer Darcula or Popsicle? Let others know how you feel by selecting an emotion as well as changing your avatar color.
- Meetings are a double-click away
Start meetings seamlessly. Double click to knock on someone’s office. Once your knock is accepted, you’ll automatically be pulled into their office and an instant Zoom meeting will start! Or invite someone to an ongoing meeting.
- The Power of Slack
Forgot to update your qube status before stepping away? Update your status through Slack (/qube emergency ice cream break). Need to Slack everyone in your office with notes at the end of a productive meeting? You can!
- Synchronized Meetings
Import scheduled Zoom meetings. For executives or sales staff especially! When you start a scheduled a Zoom meeting with a (potential) customer, qube will automatically update your state to ‘busy’ and your status with relevant details.
- Intelligent timezones
Working remotely is awesome! Constantly converting time zones isn’t - that's why we display all times converted to your local timezone. For the wanderers and world travelers! qube will auto-detect and update your timezone for your convenience.
You can set up your workspace by signing up here.
Significance to remote workers
Qube is a virtual office that enables you to work remotely. See who's chatting with coworkers, out of the office, or stepped out for lunch. Qube empowers virtual office life by helping remote workers feel connected and grounded.
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