

Learn how to work remotely from people doing it every day—interviews with remote workers.

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About RemoteHabits

Learn how to work remotely from people doing it every day—interviews with remote workers.

RemoteHabits started as a labor of love by @bradjasper. He has worked with thousands of people over the past few years to help them improve their productivity, through his app Focus.

But he noticed not every problem can be solved with an app (don't tell the programmer!). For example, he was struggling with his new found freedom as an indie developer. He worked remotely before, but was finding new issues—like building discipline, habits and healthy routines.

There's a lot of "productivity advice" out there, but something always bugged him about it. Most of the time it's just limited life experienced, over-generalized to fit your situation. In other words, not very helpful!

RemoteHabits was born out of the idea—what if you dropped the productivity advice and just told stories about remote workers?

RemoteHabits aims to help you understand remote work better by interviewing freelancers, teams and entrepreneurs doing it every day. Learn How do they work?, How did they get into the field?, What's not so great about remote work? and more.


The platform is free to use.

Significance to remote workers

Have you ever wanted to work at home, from a coffee shop or be a digital nomad? Working remotely is a new thing, and it can be kind of tricky. RemoteHabits helps by interviewing remote workers on things like What's your typical work routine? and What do you not like about remote work?


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