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Ricotta Trivia Competitors

Top Ricotta Trivia competitors list - Productivity | Remote Tools

Find the best competitors to Ricotta Trivia. Check out the product information and reviews for Ricotta Trivia competitors and pick the best tool for your needs.

Best Ricotta Trivia competitors

Top Ricotta Trivia competitors include Kahoot, Roll20 and Starbound. Also find more competitors to Ricotta Trivia from the below list.

When to use Ricotta Trivia

Ricotta Trivia, a Slack games app, is loved by HRs, employee engagement managers and startup co-founders, especially for remote teams! It is suitable for any team that wants to build their team culture and add a bit of fun to monotonous work.

Virtual team building activities with Ricotta Games & Trivia help in team bonding and enable a stronger work relationship!

When teams play and bond together on Ricotta Games & Trivia, new conversations spark and team communications are bound to be more effective.

Power up your Slack workspace with Ricotta's engaging games that make work breaks awesome — fun at work, better results and happier employees. It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN!

Competitor #1

The leader in gamifying learning in the workplace. Our platform makes e-learning, presentations and training engaging.

Competitor #2

Roll20 is the free, easy way to play tabletop games (such as pen and paper RPGs) online with others.

Competitor #3

Starbound is an extraterrestrial sandbox adventure game developed and published by Chucklefish.

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