

Super.com is home to the best prices on everything - from discounted everyday items to great hotel deals.

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About Super

Super.com is home to the best prices on everything - from discounted everyday items to great hotel deals.

Unlock deals

Sign up with your phone number to access exclusive deals.

Book your stay

Search more than 500,000 hotels worldwide.

Travel easy

Stay under budget and get 24/7 customer support.


You can simply sign up to use the platform. Prices for travel and shopping deals vary.

Significance to remote workers

People should keep as much of their hard-earned money as possible, but not everyone has the same opportunities. We’re democratizing access to rewards, savings, and credit, so everyone can level up in life.

We help people get more out of life by providing them with ways to build credit, save money, travel more, and earn cashback rewards.


Digital Nomads


Simple UI

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