How remote work can help combat ageism by helping old workers


Rachita Jain


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The concept of remote work is rapidly becoming more prevalent. In an increasingly digital world, remote work – the practice of working remotely or from home - is no longer a distant dream. Remote work requires a different approach, which involves employees relying on technology to stay connected and collaborate with colleagues. This might seem fancy, but it is also a big hurdle for older-generation employees, as not all of them are tech-savvy. With the rise of remote working technologies, older generations may feel left behind and undervalued due to the lack of familiar resources or difficulties adjusting to a new work style. However, they can thrive and contribute to the remote workplace with the right strategies and resources. By understanding the unique challenges older generations face and providing the necessary resources to meet their needs, companies can create a dynamic, engaged remote workforce that leverages the experience and proficiency of senior workers.

1. How to combat ageism in remote work: Addressing technology barriers

As the world continues to embrace remote work, helping the older generation adapt to this new way of working is essential. It can be challenging for seniors, who may not be as familiar with technology, to join the remote workforce. They may struggle to adapt to new digital tools, software, and platforms due to a lack of familiarity, resulting in decreased efficiency and productivity.

1.1 Simplify technology

Choose user-friendly tools and platforms that are easy for old age workers to navigate in remote work setup. Opt for software that has intuitive interfaces and prioritize tools with strong customer support. Additionally, provide step-by-step guides, cheat sheets, or tutorials on using various technologies involved in remote work.

1.2 Provide necessary training

Providing necessary technical training is one way to reduce ageism in remote work culture. Offer training sessions or workshops to help older workers become comfortable with remote work tools and platforms. This will empower them to use these tools confidently and efficiently.
  • Make sure your training materials are accessible and easy to understand by taking into account different learning styles.
  • Provide thorough training courses covering the fundamentals of utilizing digital platforms and applications.
  • Provide simple-to-follow instructions and training that are available online or in print based on the preferences of old workers.
  • Promote attending webinars or workshops aimed at enhancing digital literacy.

1.3 Offer ongoing tech support and assistance

To combat ageism in remote work culture, it is highly significant to provide ongoing technical support and assistance to your older employees. Ongoing technical assistance is as significant as the initial technical support.
  • Establish a dedicated tech support team or helpdesk to assist older workers with any technical issues or questions they encounter while working remotely.
  • Offer remote assistance through phone, email, or chat to troubleshoot problems and provide step-by-step guidance.
  • Encourage old-age workers to seek help without fear of judgment or embarrassment.

1.4 Establish a network of supportive peers

In order to bridge the generational gap in your organization, the best way to do so is by implementing the buddy system. No matter how much we ignore it, it is quite natural that the older employees will feel a bit reluctant to ask for help from their junior employees. Therefore;
  • Encourage older employees to share information and communicate with their younger peers without the fear of being judged.
  • Encourage buddy or mentorship programs. These buddy programs should be like a double-edged sword. Ask the older employees to share their experience with the junior employees. In turn, the junior employees can teach the older and more experienced workers how to use the technology correctly. This way, you will be able to create a multi-directional knowledge flow in your organization.

1.5 Promote a culture of continuous learning

  • Encourage older workers to adopt a growth attitude and stress the need for ongoing education.
  • Reward or recognize individuals who actively work to improve their digital skills and expertise.

2. How to reduce ageism in remote work: Creating an age-inclusive remote work culture

Older workers may have lower technological literacy compared to their younger colleagues, which can hinder their ability to navigate and effectively use digital tools. Therefore, creating an age-inclusive remote work culture is one tip on how to combat ageism in remote work settings.

2.1 Encourage open communication and patience

  • Provide a setting where older remote workers can express their concerns and get assistance without feeling awkward.
  • Promote active communication and attentive listening to resolve any issues or difficulties they may have.

2.2 Offer flexible work arrangements when possible

  • Acknowledge that older workers could have different caregiving duties, health issues, or personal preferences like everyone else.
  • If certain age-old workers find it more comfortable, offer them the option of working on-site or with flexible work hours.
  • Recognize that not everyone will equally benefit from a one-size-fits-all approach to remote work. Therefore, you will have to be open to listening to the needs of people of all age groups and find a solution as per their needs and comforts.

3. How to combat ageism in remote work: Ergonomic considerations for older workers

Ergonomic workspaces allow for optimal use of space, making it easier for older workers to reach items or read documents without stretching or bending down. Additionally, ergonomic designs make it easier to adjust the workstation to an individual's height, enabling older individuals to maintain an ergonomic posture while working. Furthermore, these workspaces provide greater back and neck support, allowing for improved comfort and reducing the risk of injuries. Ergonomic workspaces can also provide adjustable support for arms or help to create an optimal viewing distance for users, minimizing eyestrain. All of these features of ergonomic workspaces have the potential to significantly prolong the productive working life of older individuals. Therefore, helping old-age workers to set up ergonomic workstations is one step on how to reduce ageism in remote work setups.

3.1 Ergonomic chair and desk recommendations

  • Take into account offering your staff ergonomic workstations and chairs that adhere to industry standards through subsidies or other means. Encourage your employees to make this purchase so they can have a more comfortable workstation.
  • Provide advice on how to choose the best ergonomic furniture, taking into account elements like lumbar support, features that can be adjusted, and the proper size. You should also provide suggestions for reliable vendors and brands.
  • If you cannot entirely pay for their home-office setup, collaborate with furniture vendors to provide your staff with special prices on ergonomic office furniture, increasing accessibility and affordability.

3.2 Proper lighting and screen positioning

  • Describe to your employees the significance of having adequate illumination in a home office. Provide advice on how to lessen glare from windows by changing the curtains or blinds, and recommend task lighting to enhance natural light.
  • Give your employees advice on how to position laptops or computer screens at eye level to lessen neck strain. Encourage the usage of laptop risers or monitor stands.
  • Consider providing employees with a budget for purchasing desk lamps or lighting solutions that meet their needs and encourage them to create well-lit workspaces.

3.3 Regular breaks and stretches to prevent discomfort

  • Encourage your staff members to plan brief breaks during the day to stretch and rest their bodies. Stress the 20–20–20 rule as a quick fix for preventing eye strain.
  • Provide tools to the old workers, such as instructional films or texts that include a set of stretches and desk exercises to help release tension in the muscles and avoid pain. Think of holding online seminars on ergonomics and wellness.
  • Implement wellness initiatives that provide benefits for participating in group exercise, yoga, meditation, or other health-related activities, encouraging staff members to put their health first. Furthermore, you can also establish a support channel, such as an employee helpline or a dedicated HR contact, for old-age employees to seek advice and assistance with their home office setup and ergonomic concerns.

4. How to reduce ageism in remote work: Strategies for effective communication

Clear and efficient communication is the backbone of success in remote work environments. It plays a noteworthy role in ensuring that remote workers stay connected, productive, and engaged in their roles.

4.1 Encourage regular communication

Facilitate open communication channels for all employees, including video calls, phone calls, or instant messaging platforms. Encourage frequent check-ins to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Your employees should feel included in day-to-day operations. Regular communication also helps alleviate feelings of isolation, a common concern among individuals new to remote work.

4.2 Provide training on virtual meeting platforms

Create your own training programs or find ones that are tailored to the needs of senior employees. These courses should concentrate on instructing participants on the fundamentals of using online meeting platforms, including joining, scheduling, and facilitating meetings. Additionally, you should provide opportunities for older employees to practice these platforms. Arrange workshops and training sessions so that senior employees can pick up new skills and put their existing expertise to use in a safe setting.

4.3 Encourage regular check-ins and feedback sessions

  • Encourage your team managers to schedule regular one-on-one check-in meetings with older workers. These meetings can provide a comfortable space for discussing concerns and challenges and offering individualized support.
  • Create feedback mechanisms where employees, including older workers, can share their thoughts and experiences with remote communication tools and processes. This will help them get more handy with these virtual collaboration and communication tools.

4.4 Foster a sense of connection through virtual team-building activities

Plan online team-building exercises that encourage communication and camaraderie among team members of all ages. Online workshops, quiz contests, and virtual team lunches are a few examples of this. However, no matter what sort of activity you organize, make sure that every employee has knowledge and access to the communication technologies used for team-building exercises.

5. How to combat ageism in remote work: Balancing work and personal life

The challenge of work-life balance in remote settings for older workers can be treacherous. When older workers no longer have access to the physical office space, the traditional routines that once provided stability become altogether disrupted. The energy drawn from office camaraderie, team meetings, and the tactile buzz of an active environment can quickly wane in the virtual workplace.

5.1 Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life

  • Encourage staff members to specify and let coworkers know their availability and work hours. Make certain that they know exactly when they are "off the clock."
  • Think about putting in place features or technologies that let staff members establish boundaries on digital communication platforms. For instance, you can prevent work-related messages during your personal time by using the "Do Not Disturb" settings.

5.2 Encourage regular breaks and relaxation

  • Encourage employees to take regular, scheduled breaks during the workday. Short breaks help recharge the mind and prevent burnout. The Pomodoro technique, for example, promotes 25-minute focused work intervals followed by a 5-minute break.
  • Provide your employees access to mental health resources and services, and actively encourage them to seek support when facing stress or burnout.
  • Assist employees in managing their workloads effectively. Encourage realistic goal setting and prioritize tasks to reduce unnecessary stress.

6. How to reduce ageism in remote work: Overcoming isolation and loneliness

As the trend of remote work has grown over the past several years, so has the potential for feelings of extreme isolation and loneliness, particularly among older generations. Working from home eliminates face-to-face interaction with colleagues and peers and can lead to social isolation. This can be even more severe for seniors who already tend to be isolated due to fewer social networks or pre-existing health issues. However, there are several ways you can help your employees deal with that.

6.1 Promote virtual social interactions with colleagues

  • Encourage teams to schedule regular virtual meetings or video calls, not just for work-related discussions but also for casual conversations. This could include virtual coffee breaks, team lunches, or Friday happy hours.
  • Plan online team-building exercises that let workers interact with each other in a lighthearted and enjoyable environment. Trivia games, virtual escape rooms, and cooperative problem-solving exercises are some of the few examples.
  • Provide a special chat room or social media site for employees to post updates about their interests, hobbies, and personal life. This can foster interpersonal relationships outside of the workplace.

6.2 Encourage participation in online communities and interest groups.

  • Facilitate the creation of interest-based groups within your organization. Whether it's a book club, a cooking club, or a fitness group, these shared interests can foster connections among employees.
  • Promote and support Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) or affinity groups where employees can connect based on common characteristics or backgrounds, providing a sense of belonging and community.
  • Encourage employees to engage in online volunteering or community service activities, allowing them to give back while connecting with others who share similar values.


In conclusion, supporting and accommodating older generations in remote work environments is paramount as we navigate the evolving work landscape. Their experiences and wisdom are invaluable, and it is our ethical duty to ensure their inclusion in the digital transformation. The strategies discussed benefit not only older workers but the entire workforce, fostering inclusivity, collaboration, and a more supportive work environment. It is our responsibility to advocate for and implement age-inclusive practices. By doing so, we create a future of work that values the individuality of each employee and celebrates diversity, ultimately forging a more equitable and harmonious professional world for generations to come.
If you want to create an inclusive work environment, then read about the best ways how remote work promotes an inclusive work environment for people with disabilities

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