How to decide which jobs to apply for: The best 7 ways


Rachita Jain


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Having choices is always a good thing. And, when it comes to a new job. Everyone wants to have access to numerous opportunities. After all, when jobs are scarce, and the competition is fierce, finding a job is considerably difficult.
So, you should count yourself lucky if you're now presented with a multitude of listings for various career options. However, this does not imply that your situation is simple. The decision regarding which open positions merit your application and which you should pass on is now yours to make.
Thinking of applying to all the open positions? We know what you are thinking and we completely understand your perspective. If you send out enough resumes, something will eventually stick, right?
Not really! We would highly recommend you not apply to every position available.
It goes without saying that you must be cautious and thoughtful when deciding which job applications genuinely demand your attention. How would you achieve that? Remember these seven essential points and wait till the end to discover the ultimate hack to crack what to do when you don’t know how to decide which job to apply for.

1. Determine your qualifications

Don't know what jobs should you apply for? Confused about what jobs should you be applying for after graduating? Ensure you know what you are capable of! There is nothing wrong with challenging yourself and stepping beyond your comfort zone. But what if you repeatedly apply for jobs that you are obviously unqualified for? You're merely wasting your time and making yourself more unsatisfied.
So, after reading the job description, give yourself some time to consider your qualifications and experience. Go through with what you know and what you don't.
You won’t be a 100% fit ever for any job but think whether you are somewhat capable of filling this position. Will the hiring manager glance through your resume, or what?
Make sure that you are completely honest with yourself so that you can apply for jobs that are genuinely a good fit. This will help you make the most of your job search time.

2. Self-Assessment

It is wise to spend some time introspecting before making any significant decisions. The decision of selecting your career is similar. In this stage, you should ponder on what your ideal workplace looks like, what your preferred line of employment is, how your ideal coworkers should be, and other factors.
You would want to jot down your thoughts while you contemplate. These can serve as useful references when you are subsequently assessing job descriptions.
To get you started, consider these questions. Avoid spending too much time thinking about the questions. Instead, record the first ideas that cross your head. Trusted friends or family members can guide you if you are unsure of some responses.

Self-evaluation questions to consider:

  • What are your core principles?
Typical responses: financial security, voluntarism, and independence.
  • What soft skills do you have?
Typical responses include problem-solving, communication, time management, and confidence.
  • What technological knowledge do you have?
Typical responses: multilingualism, data analytics, planning, study, and photography.
  • What natural abilities do you possess?
Typical responses include writing, marketing, project management, communicating, organizing, and addressing technical problems.
  • What type of personality do you have?
Typical responses: Quiet, extroverted, confident, aggressive, or loyal.
  • What do you find interesting?
Examples of responses: literature, design, technology, or medicine.

3. Identify your-must haves

Next, consider the qualities you definitely want in a job. These might include everything from location and benefits to income and travel. It could be useful to go back to the question-answer exercise:
  • Do you need to have a specific income?
  • Do you demand particular perks, such as a set level of healthcare coverage or vacation time?
  • Could you accept a position requiring travel?
  • Are you ok with working in a particular location?
  • Do you prefer to work from home?
  • Is it necessary for you to stay in a particular job title or level?
  • Do you have any tasks you must complete or don't want to complete?
  • Do you have a certain type of workplace where you struggle to function?
It's critical to be aware of your requirements in advance of a job. For instance, you might want to steer clear of freelancing if you need a steady income. Following the identification of your requirements, you may utilize this research phase to identify jobs that might not be suitable for you.

4. Create a list of jobs

Start exploring jobs that seem intriguing or desirable to you after learning more about yourself and your requirements for a job. Write down about those jobs you don't know much about so you may later study them.
You never know, you could discover a rewarding job path in the end. Additionally, keep in mind that not all job names accurately describe the real work. Even if the job title doesn't appear appealing, you could be a good fit for the job. Here are some things to think about as you begin to create your list of jobs:
  • Rely on your network
If you don’t know what career is right for you, then rely on your near and dear ones for advice and support. Do you have friends or coworkers who have intriguing jobs? Utilize your network to look into positions that they might have or positions that they believe you could be excellent at or interested in.
  • Look for fascinating industries
Is there a particular sector of the economy that appeals to you? Do you have a strong inclination for a certain line of employment, such as design, fashion, business, or education? Consider your friends, relatives, or acquaintances who have interesting or appealing employment.
  • Identify your favorite activities
What kinds of things or jobs do you enjoy doing? These may include creating presentations, compiling data, or cooperating with others in a team. Consider occupations that include developing presentations, for instance, if you appreciate this kind of work.
  • List your values and objectives
Think about where you want to be two, five, or ten years from now. Do you have a particular title or rank in mind? Do you have a particular place or kind of life you'd want to lead? You might find occupations that would be a good fit for the long run by taking some time to consider what you want in your future.
  • Consider your abilities and capabilities
What do you excel at? Finding your talents and pairing them with activities you love will help you discover a job that positions you for success.

5. Do some research and shorten your list.

Once you've looked at positions that piqued your interest, consider doing some study on each one to compile a short list of viable career options. Finding one or two job choices you are enthusiastic about is the objective. The steps listed below might serve as a roadmap for your investigation:
  • Analyze the duties
Look into the day-to-day duties of each job to get a better understanding of whether that particular job would be a suitable fit for you. Find more about duties, responsibilities, and tasks as well as collect sample job descriptions.
  • Salary
Whether or not you have a specific wage requirement, it can be useful to discover the standard price for the jobs you have targeted.
  • Job requirements
You must know the qualifications needed before picking a job, including certificates, degrees, training, or other credentials. You can conclude that it's not a suitable fit for you if you did not meet these standards. It vastly helps in narrowing your job choices especially when you don't know what jobs you should be applying for.
  • Growth opportunity
It is critical to understand whether your chosen job offers room for advancement. Job advancement refers to your capacity to grow in your job, pick up new abilities, and assume greater responsibilities. To understand a position's qualifications and opportunities for advancement, thoroughly read the job description.
  • Job prospects
How your chosen job is positioned in the labor market is another crucial piece of information. This contains information on employment growth and hiring patterns. Find news articles on the field or profession that interests you. You must give attention to positions with consistent recruiting and development.

6. Company and career assessment

You naturally want to enjoy your real job responsibilities. However, a major component of the equation is loving your employer. You probably won't feel very pleased and content at work every day if you love your job but despise your employer.
It's time to dig in and learn everything you can about the organization after you've decided that you think the role is acceptable. Read reviews (but do not believe them completely), browse the company's website, and check out its social media pages. Don your detective hat and find out about their corporate culture to see whether you can truly imagine yourself working there.

7. Do some long-term thinking

Trying new things is not a bad thing. However, you don't want to gain a reputation for changing jobs frequently. Therefore, you should make sure that each new employment you accept is one you might picture yourself doing for at least a short while.
Consider your options carefully while choosing which positions to apply for. Is this job merely a stopgap measure, or do you believe you'll be happy in it for a while? Instead of applying for any job only to get out of your current routine, focus on the positions that would truly advance your larger professional ambitions.

Pro tip

You've carefully considered the aforementioned criterion and checked every box. However, you're still unsure about whether you should submit your application. In those circumstances, we will suggest applying anyway just to try it out!
Keep in mind that submitting an application in no way commits you to anything. It's only the initial stage of the procedure. And what happens if you get a job interview? That's a fantastic chance to find out more about the job and see whether it's a good fit for you.
It's always a good thing to have a lot of alternatives available. It can occasionally feel a bit more daunting, though, while you look for work. How do you decide what qualifies for an application and what isn't quite right for you? If you keep these points in mind, you will be certain that the positions receiving your time and attention are those that deserve it.

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