
DevelopMyTeam Alternatives

About DevelopMyTeam

DevelopMyTeam provides flexible and easy to use surveys that will support effective, targeted development planning for teams and their individuals.

What are the top DevelopMyTeam Alternatives?

Check out this list of the best DevelopMyTeam alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing, pros & cons and user ratings to suit your needs.

#1 Alternative

About Clym

Clym can help you make your website fully compliant with CCPA, GDPR, and LGPD and prepare you for upcoming privacy laws.

Continuous scanning

Real-time compliance

Did someone in your company add a new script to your website? No problem. Clym continuously scans and classifies scripts as they are identified on your website - without any manual work.

Team up with Clym

Built for partnerships

Protect your customers from non-compliance fees, build customer trust, and increase revenue by partnering with Clym.


Onboard with ease

No coding skills are required. Thanks to an intuitive interface, Clym is easy to use both for you and your website visitors.

Ready compliance

Cover required global regulations

Privacy and accessibility regulations will continue to evolve. Whether new regulations are introduced into law or existing ones are amended, we've got you covered.

Created for growth

Compliance at scale

With robust automation and customization features, Clym has everything to support the expansion of your business and its growing userbase.


1. Plan: STARTl

  • Price: $49
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Up to 50 thousand page views/month

2. Plan: GROWTH

  • Price: $99
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Up to 500 thousand page views/month

3. Plan: SCALE

  • Price: $199
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Up to 2 million page views/month

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#2 Alternative

About Contenteum

Create, Schedule, Optimize and Publish All Your WordPress Content Pieces From One Dashboard. Improve Team Collaboration.

Manage Content As Projects

  • Set Internal Deadlines
  • Organize Articles Into Projects
  • Multi Level Approvals For Teams

Automate Repetitive Tasks

  • In-Built One Click Plagiarism Check
  • Update Article Statuses Automatically
  • ML Assisted Optimization Suggestions

One Dashboard For Your Content Production Pipeline

  • Create
  • Optimization and Plagiarism Checks
  • Publish Directly To WordPress

Save Time and Grow Your Content ROI

  • Research: Get comprehensive and easy to follow suggestions that your writers can use to create content.
  • Create: Create your articles using easy to understand visual feedback for optimizations and automated article status updates.
  • Publish: Publish and schedule your content to WordPress in one click and without leaving the platform.


You can use Contenteum for free by signing up.

#3 Alternative

About Cuttles

Cuttles is a fully interactive and guided business plan software that helps entrepreneurs build, understand and grow their business.

Structure, validate and pitch your idea effortlessly

Get an overview of your business idea and convince investors, your team, and future customers to get on board with a powerful pitch deck and one-pager. We ask the questions – all you have to do is provide the answers. And don't worry about layout and design. We've already made sure it looks great and matches your brand.

  • Share and export everything
  • Present your pitch style
  • Fully guided progress

Finish your business plan in a fraction of the time

Write and deliver a fully customizable top-notch business plan using powerful in-app widgets, real-life examples and guides. You'll always be on top of your business and have a ready-to-show, dazzling business plan to export or share with a single click.

  • Share and export everything
  • Fully customizable templates
  • 250+ guides, examples & widgets
  • Beautiful, fast and flexible editor

Working with numbers has never been easier

Keep track of your runway, and forecast your expenses, revenue, capital, and break-even point. Always have an overview of your financial situation at hand. You don't need to be a math wiz, we made it easy and intuitive to create budgets and we'll generate all the important key metrics and numbers that investors will want to see.

  • Share and export everything
  • Powerful financial forecasting
  • Appealing runway dashboard

Your team is your most important asset

Showcase your team, map out skills and competencies and get an overview of the captable. For many investors, the team makes or breaks the decision to invest, we made it easy to visualize your team and showcase ownership.

  • Share and export everything
  • Intuitive team overview
  • Present your captable


1. Plan: Seed

  • Price: €19
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1 Startup Per Account
  • 1 Member Per Startup

2. Plan: Grow

  • Price: €29
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 3 Startups Per Account
  • Unlimited Members Per Startup

3. Plan: Series

  • Price: €79
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): Unlimited Startups Per Account
  • Unlimited Members Per Startup

*Get 50% off on yearly plans.

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#4 Alternative

About Deliforce

Deliforce is ultimate free delivery management software that makes your business easier by tracking the delivery boys in real time and streamline the complete data.

Add new tasks

Admin can assign tasks to agents, so that they get notified of new tasks

  • Add task
  • Edit task
  • Delete task
  • Set deadline

Task filtering

The tasks can be filtered by the Manager based on.

  • Filter by date
  • Filter by status
  • Filter by time
  • Filter by delay

Smart routing

Easily navigate to multiple destinations and ensure on-time deliveries

Tracking agents realtime

The agents can be tracked in real time using GPS

List and map view

The list and map view offers a clearer picture of all the agents on field along with their positions and the status of all the tasks

Automatic dispatching

Automatic dispatch of tasks to the agents in bulk can be done to drivers with no tasks assigned.

Get notified for new tasks

Agents get immediate notification for any new tasks created and available, along with the contact details and location. Agents can either start/cancel the task. Admin gets instant notifications as agents start the tasks.

Plan delivery

As soon as the task notifications are received by the agents, they can either start or cancel the task.

Proof of delivery

As a proof of successful delivery, the agents may collect images or signature, as checked in and set by the admin, as a proof of delivery.



  • Price: $0
  • 1 Agent (Driver)
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited dispatchers
  • Unlimited team

2. Plan: PAY AS YOU GO

  • Price: $0.08/Task
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Unlimited drivers
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited dispatchers
  • Unlimited team


  • Price: Custom
  • High security features
  • Custom control

You can check further details for pricing on this link

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