
Fleep Alternatives

About Fleep

Combining messaging with file sharing and tasks, Fleep has everything you need to coordinate your team’s work from idea to execution.

What are the top Fleep Alternatives?

Check out this list of the best Fleep alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing, pros & cons and user ratings to suit your needs.

#1 Alternative

About Carrot

Carrot is a personalized new feed for team updates that builds transparency, trust, and stronger teams.

Stay focused with less noise

  • Personalize your news feed to filter out topics you don't care about. Less noise saves you time.

Reduce interruptions

  • Carrot batches updates together in a daily digest so it's easy to get caught up all at once — when it’s more convenient for you.

Know who saw your update

  • Curious if anyone heard you? It’s easy to see who’s on the same page, and easy to remind someone that missed it, too.

Daily newsletter to stay in sync

  • Everyone gets a daily, personalized summary of what's important.

Auto-share posts to Slack

  • Your Carrot posts are automatically shared to the right Slack #channel.

Personalized news feed

  • Now there’s only one news feed to pay attention to, making it easier than ever to stay in sync with your team.

Noise filters

  • Subscribe to the topics you want to follow, and filter out the rest to keep your news feed relevant and less noisy.

Scheduled digests

  • Choose when and how often you’d like to receive a batch of updates from your team.


1. Plan - FREE

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): Unlimited

2. Plan- Premium

  • Price: $5
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1

3. Plan- Custom

  • Price: Custom plan
  • Duration: Custom
  • User(s): Custom

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#2 Alternative

About Chatwee

Chatwee is a pure JavaScript chat room you can easily instal on any website. Live chat for virtual events, online counselling & support, and all types of online communities to engage.

High user capacity

Up to 4,000 users can be logged in to your chat at any time. The limit will meet the requirements of most communities, as well as hybrid and virtual event organizers who can purchase pay per use plans according to their needs.

Multiple chat rooms

Set up multiple rooms within your chat to channel the discussion and make the interaction structured. Create more chats within your account for the different projects you're running.

Extensive customization

Chatwee lets you modify its layout to a great extent. From the way the app is displayed, to the color of even the smallest of elements, to creating a distinct look that fits your purpose with the help of our developers.

Loads of features

Our live chat app has plenty of useful and exciting features, many of which have been developed based on customer feedback. They're designed to create an engaging environment users will want to be a part of.


1. Plan - FREE

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): 5
  • Chat rooms - 1
  • File upload limit- 10MB

2. Plan- Standard

  • Price: $19
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 25
  • Chat rooms - 3
  • File upload limit- 150MB

3. Plan- Pro

  • Price: $29
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 150
  • Chat rooms - 10
  • File upload limit- 300MB

4. Plan- Ultimate

  • Price: $69
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 300
  • Chat rooms - 25
  • File upload limit- 1GB

5. Plan- Enterprise

  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): Unlimited
  • Chat rooms - Unlimited
  • File upload limit- Unlimited

You can check further details for pricing at this link

#3 Alternative

About Clergo

Clergo helps remote teams have productive conversations where insights, ideas, and decisions can be easily tracked, organized, and revisited.

Surface top objections in your sales process

  • With Clergo you can build a knowledge base of your best sales processes and techniques which close more deals

Unite your sales team and share sales tribal knowledge

  • Clergo helps you break knowledge silos and build a sales culture that is centered around sharing and continuous improvements

Drastically reduce time spent training new salespeople

  • Clergo makes it easy to access important sales knowledge that allows your new sales hires to start selling effectively


It's free to use.

You can get started here

#4 Alternative

About Click2Magic

Click2Magic is a Customer Live chat support Application. Talk to your customers and ensure seamless support with quick and commendable new features.

Live Chat for Sales

  • Personalized Customer-Enterprise conversations. Make them believe what you give with this smart and best live chat software!

Set Permissions

  • A super admin/admin can make/set permissions on the supervisor, agent, and moderator while adding an agent.

Canned Responses

  • These are pre-defined responses that are enabled through your account dashboard. Canned Responses are frequently used by the customer support executives to send instant replies without typing the messages. The super-admin/admin can make them available only to specific support executives/properties.


  • Be it a Mobile website or browser. Click2Magic considers each website as a property.

Add Property

  • A business owner/super-admin can add multiple properties to Click2Magic live chat support software, based upon the license they choose.


  • An agent is a customer support executive who stays in touch with customers. He/She can simultaneously chat with various customers of multiple properties that are allocated to them.

Add Agent

  • The super-admin has the privilege to add multiple customer support executives for each property and can make them as an Admin/Supervisor/ Agent/Moderator.


1. Plan - BASIC

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: 14 days
  • User(s): 1 agent
  • Basic Sales Tracking and customer Management
  • 1 Website
  • 1k MUV


  • Price: $39/seat
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 3 agents
  • Basic Sales Tracking and customer Management
  • 2 Website
  • 3k MUV


  • Price: $69/seat
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 10 agents
  • Basic Sales Tracking and customer Management
  • 5 Website
  • 15k MUV

4. Plan- ADD-ON

  • Price: $18
  • Duration: 1 month
  • If you want to get more leads on your website

*All prices when billed annually

You can check further details for pricing on this link

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