

LocalBrackets is a community driven platform that offers people the opportunity to socialise with those who share their ..

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About LocalBrackets

LocalBrackets is a community driven platform that offers people the opportunity to socialise with those who share their interests.

Create Brackets. Build Communities.

  • LocalBrackets helps you create and manage groups of all sizes - and effectively build an inclusive community.

Find Brackets. Near You, For You.

  • LocalBrackets helps you easily find the bracket of your interest, near you. Finding the right community is very crucial to your way to socialising!

Socialise & Learn New Things.

  • LocalBrackets helps you join meaningful communities so you can do what you really love - together. That way you socialise and learn - at the same time!

Connect & Collaborate. With Everything at 1 Place.

  • LocalBrackets helps you efficiently connect and collaborate with your community, with powerful management tools, like the lightning fast chat.

Bragging Rights, Included.

  • LocalBrackets gives you a quick, intuitive report about you - and your interests based on membership. How you brag with it has been left upon you!

Anti Spam Built in.

  • LocalBrackets has been built keeping your security at utmost priority. With verified accounts, bracket reporting and rating, limitations on bracket creation and modification - you can be assured of being at a safe place!


It's free to use.

Significance to remote workers

Collaborate with ease, develop communities and foster them.


Team Chat


Large teams

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