

OpinionX helps you rank any list of problems, ideas or opinions so that you can see what really matters most to people.

Try OpinionX

About OpinionX

OpinionX helps you rank any list of problems, ideas or opinions so that you can see what really matters most to people.

Make decisions with confidence

Turn roadmap tickets, interview quotes, user feedback and more into a ranked list based on quantitative data.

Understand differences between segments

Compare what different groups of participants care most about such as free users versus paying customers.

Identify the perfect interviewees

Pinpoint and interview the participants who share the same top priorities as your overall group or key segment.

Let participants fill in your blind spot

Crowdsource new opinions from participants to add to your stack ranking list at any point during your project.


We provide a free trail on all the plans.

1. Plan: Free For stack ranking newbies and small research projects

  • **Price: **0

2. Plan: Pro For individual researchers with extra requirements

  • **Price: **$29
  • Duration: 1 month

2. Plan: Scale For research teams running advanced stack ranking.

  • **Price: **$49
  • Duration: 1 month

3. Plan: Enterprise For large companies running continuous discovery

  • **Price: **$375 (billed annually)
  • Duration: 1 month

[You can check further details for pricing at this link ]

Significance to remote workers

We help teams better understand people’s priorities through stack ranking.


Idea Management


Free version
Simple Solution
Simple UI

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