
Toast Ninja Alternatives

About Toast Ninja

Toast is a Slack app for teams on GitHub.

What are the top Toast Ninja Alternatives?

Check out this list of the best Toast Ninja alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing, pros & cons and user ratings to suit your needs.

#1 Alternative

About Promyze

Promyze is a platform dedicated to best practices definition and sharing for software developers.

Create your own best coding practices

Directly while coding or during a code review, identify your own best practices with Promyze IDE and Code Review plugins!

  • In your IDE

Select code & indicate if you think this follows or not a best practice

  • During code reviews

Directly from a comment, create technical knowledge for your team

  • Submit topics or questions

Ask questions or suggest discussions topics for the next workshop

Share practices with your team during a Craft Workshop

Created best practices are explained to the whole team during this craft workshop. Boost the learning culture of your organization!

  • Review and validate best practices

Knowledge is shared as each practice is presented by the contributor and collectively approved

  • Discover practices from other teams

Browse and retrieve practices created by other teams in your company

  • Discover new practices outside your organization

On our public Hub, find new ideas from the Promyze community

Accelerate the onboarding of new developers

Reduce the time needed for a new developer to discover your best coding practices. Value your knowledge base to create interactive learning challenges.

  • Select a topic

Architecture, Security, Performance, a framework, a language,... Select a subset of your best practices

  • Discovery workshops

Help new developers quickly discover those best practices with interactive challenges

  • Identify knowledge gap

They have to identify where best practices are followed or not in the code. Tech leaders can then explain the unknown or misunderstood practices

Follow your best practices while coding or reviewing code

Promyze supports regular expressions to detect when best practices are followed or not.

  • You decide

Whether or not a best practice can be detected through syntactic recognition

  • The IDEs plugins prompts

Suggestions when it detects best practices not applied

  • The Code Review plugin decorates

The pull/merge request page and inserts code suggestions


1. Plan: Freemium

  • Price: $0
  • Duration: Forever
  • User(s): 1

2. Plan: Cloud

  • Price: $16
  • Duration: 1 month
  • User(s): 1

3. Plan: Enterprise

  • Price: Custom
  • Duration: Custom
  • User(s): Custom

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#2 Alternative

About Pycharm

PyCharm is an integrated development environment used in computer programming, specifically for the Python language.

Intelligent Code Editor

PyCharm’s smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular template languages and more. Take advantage of language-aware code completion, error detection, and on-the-fly code fixes!

Smart Code Navigation

Use smart search to jump to any class, file or symbol, or even any IDE action or tool window. It only takes one click to switch to the declaration, super method, test, usages, implementation, and more.

Fast and Safe Refactorings

Refactor your code the intelligent way, with safe Rename and Delete, Extract Method, Introduce Variable, Inline Variable or Method, and other refactorings. Language and framework-specific refactorings help you perform project-wide changes.

Debugging, Testing and Profiling

Use the powerful debugger with a graphical UI for Python and JavaScript. Create and run your tests with coding assistance and a GUI-based test runner. Take full control of your code with Python Profiler integration.

VCS, Deployment and Remote Development

Save time with a unified UI for working with Git, SVN, Mercurial or other version control systems. Run and debug your application on remote machines. Easily configure automatic deployment to a remote host or VM and manage your infrastructure with Vagrant and Docker.

Database tools

Access Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL and other databases right from the IDE. Rely on PyCharm’s help when editing SQL code, running queries, browsing data, and altering schemas.

Python Web frameworks

PyCharm offers great framework-specific support for modern web development frameworks such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, and web2py, including Django templates debugger, and tools, special autocompletion and navigation, just to name a few.

JavaScript & HTML

PyCharm provides first-class support for JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML and CSS, as well as their modern successors. The JavaScript debugger is included in PyCharm and is integrated with the Django server run configuration.

Live Edit

Live Editing Preview lets you open a page in the editor and the browser and see the changes being made in code instantly in the browser. PyCharm auto-saves your changes, and the browser smartly updates the page on the fly, showing your edits.

Interactive Python console

You can run a REPL Python console in PyCharm which offers many advantages over the standard one: on-the-fly syntax check with inspections, braces and quotes matching, and of course code completion.

Scientific Stack Support

PyCharm has built-in support for scientific libraries. It supports Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, and other scientific libraries, offering you best-in-class code intelligence, graphs, array viewers and much more.

Conda Integration

Keep your dependencies isolated by having separate Conda environments per project, PyCharm makes it easy for you to create and select the right environment.

Customizable UI

Are there any software developers who don't like to tweak their tools? We have yet to meet one, so we've made PyCharm UI customization a breeze. Enjoy a fine-tuned workspace with customizable color schemes and key-bindings.


More than 10 years of IntelliJ platform development gives PyCharm 50+ IDE plugins of different nature, including support for additional VCS, integrations with different tools and frameworks, and editor enhancements such as Vim emulation.

Cross-platform IDE

PyCharm works on Windows, macOS or Linux. You can install and run PyCharm on as many machines as you have, and use the same environment and functionality across all your machines.


For individual use

1. Plan: PyCharm

  • Price: US $99
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Users: 1

2. Plan: All Products Pack

  • Price: US $289
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Users: 1

For organizations

1. Plan: PyCharm

  • Price: US $249
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Users: 1

2. Plan: All Products Pack

  • Price: US $779
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Users: 1

*all prices when billed annually

You can check further details for pricing on this link

#3 Alternative

About TeleType for Atom

Teletype for Atom lets developers share their workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time.

  • Teletype for Atom wires in keystrokes of remote collaborators directly into the code editor. Provides conflict-free, low-latency collaboration. One of the most loved features and a must-have if you use Atom.

  • Teletype(beta) for Atom lets developers share their workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time.

  • Teletype introduces the concept of real-time "portals" for sharing workspaces. When a host opens a portal, their active tab becomes a shared workspace. There, invited collaborators can join in and make edits in real time. As the host moves between files, collaborators follow along with the active tab automatically.


Free add-on to Atom

#4 Alternative

About Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control.

Meet IntelliSense.

Go beyond syntax highlighting and autocomplete with IntelliSense, which provides smart completions based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules.

Print statement debugging is a thing of the past.

Debug code right from the editor. Launch or attach to your running apps and debug with break points, call stacks, and an interactive console.

Git commands built-in.

Working with Git and other SCM providers has never been easier. Review diffs, stage files, and make commits right from the editor. Push and pull from any hosted SCM service.

Extensible and customizable.

Want even more features? Install extensions to add new languages, themes, debuggers, and to connect to additional services. Extensions run in separate processes, ensuring they won't slow down your editor. Learn more about extensions.

Deploy with confidence and ease.

With Microsoft Azure you can deploy and host your React, Angular, Vue, Node, Python (and more!) sites, store and query relational and document based data, and scale with serverless computing, all with ease, all from within VS Code.


Visual Studio Code is free for all.

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