Let's clarify the difference between remote-first, remote-friendly, and onsite companies


Rachita Jain


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Most companies shifted to remote working setups during the pandemic. But now that COVID-19 is over, many companies are planning to go back to the four walls of their offices. For some organizations, the decision to make this shift was relatively easy. Those who are yet struggling between both extreme types of work have created a hybrid workplace by bridging the gap between entirely remote and fully on-site work.
So which category do you fall in? What types of work does your organization follow? Is it remote first, on-site, or remote-friendly?
Based on the type of work setup your company adheres to, you have to make certain decisions, including-
  • Will your office space need to be redesigned or downsized?
  • Do they have the required technology, or do you need to invest more?
  • Do your workers even want to go back to office?
If you are still clueless regarding what type of work setup your organization runs on, then this article will aid you in making the right decision.

Local or on-site companies

"On-site companies" refers to companies that primarily operate from within the walls of their office. Rather than working from different locations, they work from their own office or facility. The on-site companies offer a wide range of services and solutions that require physical presence or direct interaction with the client or their infrastructure.
In this type of work, employees typically work at a specific office location, and the infrastructure and workflows are optimized for on-site collaboration and communication.


  • Physical presence: On-site companies have a physical presence. Their employees have to travel to the office during the prescribed time frame.
  • Documentation and reporting: These companies maintain comprehensive documentation of the installation process, including equipment specifications, configurations, and any customization performed.
  • Regulated safety protocols: On-site setup companies prioritize compliance with relevant regulations and safety standards during the installation process. They follow established safety protocols to minimize risks and ensure the well-being of their employees.
  • Communal work areas: Traditional offices often have shared work areas where employees can collaborate, hold meetings, or discuss projects. This may include open-plan workspaces, cubicles, or designated areas for team collaboration.
  • In-person meetings: Meetings in a traditional office setup usually occur in person, in dedicated meeting rooms, or at employees' desks. Face-to-face discussions facilitate immediate feedback, brainstorming, and decision-making.
  • Managerial oversight: In a traditional office, managers have direct oversight of employees' work and can observe their progress and productivity on-site. This allows for immediate feedback, guidance, and supervision.


  • Limited talent pool: Operating primarily in a local area limits the talent pool from which the company hires. Depending on the geography, there may be a smaller pool of qualified candidates available compared to companies with a broader geographic reach. This makes it more strenuous to find the right talent and results in limitations in skills, experience, and diversity within the workforce.
  • Commuting and transportation: Traditional offices often require employees to commute to work, which can be time-consuming, stressful, and costly. Traffic congestion, long commutes, and dependence on public transportation or personal vehicles can impact work-life balance and employee well-being.
  • Dependency on physical presence: Being local means the company relies heavily on physical presence for meetings, collaborations, and client interactions. This dependency on in-person interactions limits flexibility and poses challenges when unforeseen circumstances arise, such as inclement weather, transportation disruptions, or health crises, that make it difficult for employees and clients to be physically present.
  • High overhead costs: Maintaining a physical office space involves significant expenses such as rent, utilities, equipment, and maintenance. Traditional office setups can be financially burdensome, especially for small-scale businesses or startups with limited resources.
  • Office politics and distractions: Traditional offices can be susceptible to office politics, conflicts, and distractions that may arise from proximity and frequent interaction among employees. This can impact productivity, employee morale, and the overall work environment.
  • Higher reliance on the local economy: Being heavily tied to a specific geographic area means that the company's success and growth may be closely linked to the local economy. Economic fluctuations or downturns in the local area significantly impact the company's stability, revenue, and growth prospects.
  • Environmental impact: Traditional office setups contribute to carbon emissions and environmental impact through daily commuting, energy consumption, waste generation, and other factors. Addressing sustainability concerns may require significant effort and investment.

International + Sync or remote-friendly

In the post-COVID, remote-friendly companies are the most prevalent. International + Sync companies are organizations that operate on a global scale and prioritize synchronous (real-time) communication and collaboration. Companies that follow this type of remote work have a presence across multiple countries or regions and leverage technology to connect their geographically dispersed teams.
They aim to hire local talent from the cities near their headquarters, but they also provide their employees with the option of working remotely. The extra benefit of working from home is the only variation in this situation.
These businesses continue to use their previous sync procedures while hiring workers from other countries. Post-COVID era, the market for international plus sync businesses has expanded.


  • Global presence: International + Sync companies have operations, offices, or branches in multiple countries or regions. They have a global footprint and serve customers or clients from various parts of the world.
  • Cultural sensitivity and adaptability: International + Sync companies prioritize cultural sensitivity and adaptability to effectively engage with diverse markets and teams. They embrace local customs, adapt their products or services to specific regions, and make efforts to understand and respect the cultural nuances of the countries they operate in.
  • Higher retention rates: The staff has the freedom to relocate to neighboring nations, which is a great retention tool.
  • Flexible work options: Companies that follow the remote-friendly type of model provide flexibility in terms of where employees work. They may offer remote work options on a part-time or full-time basis, allowing employees to choose their preferred work environment, whether it's from home, a coworking space, or a different location.
  • Remote work policies: Remote-friendly companies have clear policies and guidelines specifically designed for remote work. These policies outline expectations, work hours, communication protocols, performance measurements, and any specific requirements for remote employees. They ensure that remote workers have the necessary support and resources to succeed in their roles.


  • Time zone and geographic constraints: Managing teams across different time zones poses challenges in scheduling meetings, coordinating projects, and ensuring timely communication. The time differences result in extended working hours for some employees or limited overlapping hours for collaboration, requiring careful planning and coordination.
  • Language and cultural differences: International + Sync companies need to navigate language barriers and cultural differences. Effective communication can be challenging when employees have different native languages and cultural backgrounds. Ensuring clear understanding, avoiding misinterpretation, and promoting inclusivity and cultural sensitivity becomes crucial in such diverse environments.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance: International + Sync companies must navigate and comply with different labor laws, taxation requirements, data protection regulations, and other legal obligations specific to each jurisdiction. Ensuring compliance across borders can be complex and require specialized knowledge and resources.
  • Employee exhaustion: Employees are frequently worn out, meeting fatigue and heavy dependencies caused by synchronized operations and a distributed workforce across time zones.

International + Async or remote-first

International + Async companies refer to organizations that operate across international borders while embracing asynchronous work and communication practices.
These are businesses that primarily use asynchronous processes and communication flows while acquiring foreign talent. Due to the asynchronous processes that enable every remote worker to work to their schedule rather than a single company's schedule, multinational + async companies have significantly fewer limits on where they can hire personnel.


  • Global workforce: International + Async companies typically have employees distributed across different countries and time zones. They seek talent globally and create diverse teams comprising individuals from various cultural backgrounds and expertise.
  • Asynchronous work: Companies that follow this type of remote work prioritize asynchronous communication and collaboration. Instead of relying heavily on real-time meetings, they encourage employees to work at their own pace and provide flexibility regarding when and where they work. This allows team members to achieve a better work-life balance and accommodate their obligations.
  • Remote work infrastructure: International + Async companies invest in robust technological infrastructure and digital tools that facilitate remote work. They leverage collaborative platforms, project management systems, and communication tools to ensure effective remote collaboration among team members.
  • Cross-cultural sensitivity: Due to the diverse workforce, these companies emphasize cross-cultural sensitivity and awareness. They promote an inclusive and respectful work environment, fostering a culture of understanding and appreciation for different perspectives and backgrounds.
  • Result-oriented culture: With an emphasis on asynchronous work, these companies focus on results rather than traditional notions of work hours or physical presence. They measure success based on outcomes and productivity, thereby encouraging their employees to take ownership of their work and deliver results within agreed-upon deadlines.
  • Communication guidelines: Given the asynchronous nature of work, these companies often establish clear communication guidelines and protocols. They define response time expectations, preferred communication channels, and methods to ensure effective and efficient communication among team members across different time zones.


  • Communication barriers: Asynchronous work practices can lead to communication challenges. When team members are spread across mismatched time zones, delays in communication can occur, which may slow down decision-making and problem-solving processes. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations can also arise due to the lack of real-time interaction.
  • Team cohesion and culture: Building team cohesion and a strong organizational culture can be more challenging in a remote and asynchronous work environment. Developing a sense of camaraderie, trust, and shared purpose among team members who are geographically dispersed requires intentional efforts.
  • Work-life balance: While asynchronous work can offer flexibility, it can also fade the boundaries between work and personal life. Employees find it challenging to disconnect from work, leading to longer working hours, burnout, and difficulties in maintaining work-life balance.
  • Onboarding and integration: Onboarding and integrating new employees remotely is more complex compared to traditional in-person methods. Building relationships, transferring knowledge, and immersing new hires in the company culture may require additional effort and creative approaches.
  • Performance management: Evaluating and managing employee performance in an asynchronous work environment is complex. Traditional performance evaluation methods need to be adapted to account for remote work dynamics and outcome-based measurements, ensuring fairness and accountability.
  • Security and data privacy: Maintaining data security and privacy in a remote work environment is challenging. Companies need to implement robust security measures, train employees on data protection practices, and comply with relevant data privacy regulations to safeguard sensitive information.

Difference between traditional on-site setup, remote-friendly setup, and remote-first setup

On-site setup companies
Remote-friendly companies
Remote-first companies
Synchronous face-to-face communication
Bent towards synchronous communication
Asynchronous communication by default
• Remote work is not even considered as an option.  • Presence of employees in the office is mandatory.
• Remote work is a privilege or a perk. • It is an add-on to the existing system.
• Full incorporation of remote work at all levels of the company. • Remote work is encouraged.
Company set-up
• On-site work is the default mode. • Tools centered in and around the office.
• Both on-site and virtual modes are exercised. • Tools centered around the office along with with some online tools.
• The remote work setting is the default mode. • Virtual tools are considered.
Employee location
• Members based within the center radius of the company. • Heavy investment on commute.
• Members based within the center radius of the company. • Some investment on commute.
• Globally distributed teams. • Zero investment on commute.
In-person interactions.
Both in-person and virtual interactions.
Only virtual interactions.
• Centralized management. • Regular check-ins with quick feedback. • Decisions are made in the office.
• Centralized management. • Regular check-ins. • Important decisions maybe made in the office.
• Distributed management. • Trust over control. • Decisions are made virtually.

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