Top 10 online courses for web development


Rachita Jain


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The demand for web development skills has grown significantly over the past several years. Remote work culture has become an increasingly viable option for many professionals, and web development is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the remote sector. Working remotely offers many advantages to developers, from flexibility to the potential to work with the world's best teams. Additionally, businesses increasingly turn to remote work to increase agility and reduce costs. This has created a booming remote web development industry, with abundant opportunities for developers with the right skills.
As the remote web development industry continues to grow, so does the demand for web development skills. There are plenty of positions in the field that require advanced levels of technical skills and expertise, as well as developers who can provide support to small and medium-sized businesses. Because of this, developers need to stay up-to-date on current best practices, technologies, and trends in the industry. Continuous comprehensive learning and skill development are key to staying competitive and taking advantage of the best remote web development opportunities. To keep you up to date, we have brought you the list of the top 10 online courses for web development.

Benefits of learning web development for remote work

  • The demand for skilled web developers is rising as remote work becomes increasingly popular. With the ability to work from anywhere, web developers can create stunning digital products from the comfort of their own homes. This makes web development a great way to earn an income while having the flexibility to work on their terms.
  • Remote work is a great fit for web development. Since a large portion of the work can be completed alone, remote working arrangements can be accommodated. With the ability to work from any location with an internet connection, you can enjoy flexibility and the possibility of a more harmonious work-life balance.
  • You can create your work environment, allowing for increased comfort and productivity. Whether working from a home office, a co-working space, or while traveling, this career path offers the flexibility to tailor the work setting to your preferences.
  • Acquiring web development skills, such as proficiency in programming languages, front-end and back-end development, and familiarity with various frameworks, makes you highly sought after. These skills are continually in demand and can provide job security in the ever-evolving tech industry.
  • As a remote web developer, you can make competitive pay. Because of the increased demand for their expertise, professionals with skill and experience can often negotiate higher pay rates.
  • In the field of web development, one must always be learning new things and keeping up with emerging trends and technologies. This encourages personal development as well as the chance to broaden your skill set.

Factors to consider while selecting a good web development course

With so many web development courses available online, choosing the right one can be confusing and overwhelming. Finding the most appropriate fit for your learning style, career aspirations, and budget are all important considerations. Some of the other considerations while choosing the top online courses for web development are:
  • Course format: The format of the course can have a major impact on your learning experience. Some formats are better suited to different people. For example, if you’re a busy professional with limited time, an online course may be more beneficial for your situation. On the other hand, if you prefer in-person classes, a physical or campus-based course may be a better option.
  • Content and duration: Are you interested in building basic websites or want to go deeper and learn to develop complex applications? Do you want to get up to speed quickly or take your time focusing on personal projects? Consider the content covered and the duration of the course before selecting one.
  • Learning style: Consider your learning style when selecting a course. If you prefer hands-on practice and personalized instruction, an in-person course may be a better option. If you like independent study with more freedom and flexibility, an online course may be a better choice.
  • Course price: Cost is always an important consideration when selecting a course. Doing your research and comparing different courses can help you find the best value for your budget.
  • Professional certification: Some courses offer recognized professional certifications upon completion. This can be useful for those looking to validate their skills and advance their careers.

Top 10 online courses for web development

1. Become a Full-Stack Web Developer by LinkedIn

This program for web developers is extensive and covers a wide range of web development technologies. Beginning with HTML and CSS web development classes, you will learn in-depth concepts about CSS Grid and Flexbox. Additionally, there are modules on version control with Git, search strategies, and JavaScript.
You will also get to learn the fundamentals and advanced topics of routing, testing, and deployment in the React Library for front-end programming. You will also study Node.js and both SQL and NoSQL for the backend.
The DevOps module, which addresses subjects like infrastructure automation, continuous delivery, reliability engineering, and more, is the highlight of this course.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • This course offers an extensive range of course materials, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  • With quizzes and projects after each module, practical application solidifies your learning.
  • Additionally, its specialized module on DevOps Foundation covers essential methodologies for a comprehensive skill set.


2. The Web Developer Bootcamp 2023 by Udemy

Among the many programming languages you will learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, MongoDB, and more in this top Udemy course. Along with learning how to create apps with CRUD features, you will also learn about more complex concepts like using Express for routing, implementing user authentication, using Mongoose for database interactions, handling errors, and more.
If you're interested in frontend and backend development, this course is perfect for you. Additionally, it incorporates project-based learning, so you'll use your newly acquired knowledge to create an animated to-do list, a landing page, a JavaScript browser game, and more.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • It is the highest-rated course on Udemy with lifetime access, ensuring you can revisit the valuable content at your own pace.
  • This course is a comprehensive journey of full-stack web development, equipping you with the skills to master both frontend and backend technologies.
  • At the end of this course, you will be able to unleash your creativity as you learn to create your Node modules, enabling you to contribute to the web development community and customize your projects with tailored solutions.


Originally, it cost ₹3199, but currently, it is available for ₹449.

3. Introduction to Web Development by Coursera

With six modules that combine text, video lectures, and quizzes to solidify your learning, this is one of the best online courses for web development for total beginners.
The first thing you'll learn is how to host and organize a website. After that, you'll study HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create web applications by combining these three technologies. Even JavaScript testing and basic form validation will be covered in this course.
By the end of the course, you will be able to explain the entire layout and operation of the internet, construct dynamic webpages with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, apply fundamental ideas of programming languages to the creation of HTML forms, choose a suitable web hosting provider, and publish your webpages for public viewing.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • You will be able to master the building blocks of the web—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—across various lessons in a structured learning format.
  • You can assess your progress with quizzes after each module, reinforcing your understanding and application of the acquired knowledge.
  • You will tremendously benefit from a comprehensive learning experience featuring written materials and engaging video content, enhancing your grasp of web development concepts.


4. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers by Coursera

This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as the name suggests. In order to create web apps more quickly, you will also learn how to manage AJAX requests, handle JSON data, and work with the Bootstrap framework.
Using all of the knowledge you have gained, you will construct a vibrant restaurant website as your final project for your portfolio. For those looking for an introduction to web development, this will be a good option.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • Engage in a capstone project, crafting a significant portfolio piece showcasing your web development skills in a real-world application.
  • You can explore 14 practice quiz sections to fortify your learning, offering a comprehensive review of the covered material.
  • You will gain insight into the fascinating history of the web, enriching your understanding of its evolution and impact on the digital landscape.


5. Frontend Developer Career Path by Scrimba

If you want to become a front-end developer, this is one of the best web development courses available online. You will learn HTML, CSS, and more advanced subjects like async JavaScript, React context, hooks, and routing by enrolling in this course. Additionally, there are sections on working with APIs and UI design.
Furthermore, you will participate in numerous code reviews as a professional developer, so this web development training's code reviews module will be very helpful. After finishing, you'll also receive a Scrimba Frontend Developer Certificate, and if you need it, you can apply for a scholarship.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • This course is tailored for aspiring frontend developers seeking to master frontend technologies and techniques essential for the modern web.
  • You will have access to an engaged Discord community for support, collaboration, and networking, fostering a dynamic learning environment.
  • There is a dedicated section offering valuable insights on job hunting strategies and tips to secure a position in the web development industry.


6. Web Development Skills Path by Codecademy

You will learn how to create HTML web pages, style them with CSS, and add JavaScript to make them interactive in this course.
Additionally, you will learn how to create frontend applications using the React framework and backend applications using Node plus Express. Sections on test-driven development (TDD), SQL fundamentals, and Git and GitHub are included in this course.
With the help of portfolio-worthy projects, this Codecademy course aims to prepare you for the workforce. Among the projects are a website for a nearby coffee shop and a search application that makes use of the Yelp API. You can show these off to recruiters when the time comes to join a job.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • You will be able to embrace the full spectrum of web development by mastering both frontend and backend frameworks, ensuring a comprehensive skill set.
  • Dive into the world of version control and collaboration with in-depth lessons on Git and GitHub.
  • Acquire proficiency in Test-Driven Development (TDD), mastering the foundational principles and practices to ensure robust, error-free, and efficient code creation.


7. Frontend Web Development Bootcamp by FreeCodeCamp

This is a fantastic option if you're looking for totally free web development courses! It's intended to give you the fundamental knowledge and abilities required to work as a front-end developer. Comprehensive lessons on callback functions, regular expressions, error types, the Document Object Model (DOM), and other topics are covered in the JavaScript section.
Additionally, you will study HTML and CSS responsive web design, covering subjects like Flexbox and the CSS Box Model. Toward the end of the course, you will create a Testimonials page using the knowledge you have learned.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • Gain access to a completely free learning resource, providing an excellent opportunity to delve into the fundamentals of web development.
  • Explore the intricacies of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through a comprehensive curriculum, ideal for beginners seeking to build a strong foundation in web development.
  • Engage in learning JavaScript's best practices, enhancing your coding skills and understanding of industry-standard methodologies for efficient and effective programming.



8. Web Development Certification Training Course by Edureka

This engaging course will teach you the fundamentals of web development. In addition, you study how to use Google APIs, jQuery, and Bootstrap before learning how to launch a website on Amazon S3. This course also covers event handling, AJAX calls, JavaScript DOM manipulation, and CSS animations.
Additionally, this course offers a variety of projects to build, such as a URL shortener, canvas clock, E-Commerce website menu, potluck app, and more, to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • It helps you immerse yourself in live and interactive online classes, fostering real-time engagement and personalized guidance in your web development journey.
  • You will highly benefit from 24/7 access to academic counselors, ensuring continuous support and guidance, available whenever you need assistance or have queries.
  • Enjoy the added advantage of a complimentary JavaScript module, offering a cost-free opportunity to dive into this crucial language for web development.



9. Introduction to Frontend Development by Simplilearn

Version control and Git conflict resolution are covered in the first lessons of this free course, which are taught on Git and GitHub. After that, HTML, CSS animations and effects, and JavaScript will be covered. Sections on using the Angular framework and React library are also included in the course.
If you want to start learning web development, this self-paced course is an excellent starting resource.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • Explore the latest JavaScript syntax with a focus on modern ES2022, mastering the cutting-edge language elements for advanced web development.
  • You can delve into the foundational concepts of React and Angular, acquiring a fundamental understanding of these popular frameworks crucial for front-end development.
  • You will gain a comprehensive grasp of these tools, setting the stage for further exploration and proficiency in building dynamic and interactive web applications.



10. Web Developer by Google Digital Garage

The goal of Google's web developer training is to increase your chances of landing a job. You'll learn responsive design and web accessibility, use CSS to create animations, and put SEO best practices into practice. Additionally, you will learn how to use OWASP (Open Worldwide Application Security Project) standards for safe data storage.
There is a section in each of the seven modules where you can build a project to put your newly acquired knowledge to use. Examples include developing an e-commerce website, converting a mockup design into a functional website, making mobile website animations, optimizing an already-existing website, and developing a secure API for a review app.
Given that it covers other technologies like the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack, Vue.js, Git, and GitHub, this is an incredibly thorough beginner's course for web developers.

Why is this the best online course for web development?

  • Immerse yourself in a wealth of comprehensive course materials, equipping you with a deep understanding of web development's key facets and strategies.
  • Engage in weekly one-on-one mentoring and career coaching sessions tailored to support your progress.
  • Successfully attain an Associate's level diploma and earn a course completion certificate from Google, validating your proficiency and marking your achievement in the field of web development.



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