How can parents working from home create a work-life balance?


Rachita Jain


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Balancing family and work life can be challenging, especially when your home life and workspace are intertwined. The struggle to find a balance between your professional responsibilities and attending to the needs of your children is something many parents face today.
Many parents who work from home have discovered that the everyday morning routine can be one of the most challenging times during the workday. Juggling the family's needs while trying to get yourself ready and organized for work can often be stressful and overwhelming. Let's find out the struggles parents working from home face.

Struggles faced by parents working from home

1. Creating a dedicated workspace

Parents working from home face several challenges, one of which is finding a dedicated workspace that promotes focus and productivity. This can be particularly difficult for parents due to distractions from children or limited available space.
Moreover, it can be challenging to separate work and family life when both are happening in the same space. This can lead to feelings of being constantly "on" and difficulty disconnecting from work.

2. Finding time for uninterrupted work

Balancing family and work life becomes more problematic as the boundaries between work and family get blurred. Parents working from home often struggle with balancing their work schedule around their children's needs.
Children, especially young ones, may not understand the concept of work and may frequently interrupt, seeking attention or help with various tasks. Balancing work responsibilities with childcare and household tasks can be overwhelming, so finding uninterrupted time to focus on work can be a real challenge.

3. Managing household responsibilities

When working from home, there can be an expectation that household chores should be completed alongside job responsibilities. Parents working from home may not feel good when they have to prioritize work tasks over spending time with their children or when they take breaks for family needs during work hours.
To avoid becoming overwhelmed, delegate chores among all family members and consider outsourcing specific tasks such as laundry, meal planning, or grocery delivery.

4. Coping with feelings of guilt or isolation

Remote work can be isolating, particularly for parents who are used to socializing with colleagues at the workplace. This isolation can be exacerbated when balancing work and family responsibilities at home.
Furthermore, parents working from home often experience feelings of guilt when they are unable to devote their full attention to their children and their job. They find themselves juggling between work demands and childcare responsibilities simultaneously, which can be mentally and physically taxing.

5. Working with limited childcare options

Without on-site colleagues or support systems like daycare, parents working from home may feel like they have limited resources to lean on during hectic workdays. Additionally, some employers or colleagues may not fully understand the challenges of working from home with children, leading to additional stress and pressure to meet expectations.

6. Ensuring work-life balance

It is highly significant to maintain a healthy work-life balance for mental well-being and overall happiness. However, balancing work and family responsibilities can leave little time for self-care, leading to stress, burnout, and health issues.
Establish clear boundaries by setting specific working hours and taking intentional breaks throughout the day to engage in self-care activities or spend quality time with your family.
Luckily, you can create a healthy work-life balance as a parent working from home in several ways. Below, we explore some tips for managing remote work while maintaining family harmony.

How can parents working from home create a balance between the two?

Creating boundaries between work and home life is essential for staying sane and productive in this new work-from-home setup. Here are a few tips for parents working from home to establish boundaries and create a healthy balance between their work and home life:

1. Establish a routine

A consistent daily routine is essential for your productivity and overall family schedule.
  • Set consistent work hours: Determine the hours you will dedicate each day and stick to them as closely as possible. Such kind of healthy schedule helps parents working from home create a clear boundary between work and personal time.
  • Create a morning routine: Start your day with a consistent morning routine that helps you transition into work mode. This could include exercise, meditation, or enjoying a quiet cup of coffee before diving into work tasks.
  • Set aside specific family time: Allocate dedicated time daily for family activities. For parents working from home, this could be during meal times, breaks, or after you finish work. Having this dedicated family time helps strengthen bonds, ensures your loved ones receive attention, and creates a work-life balance for parents.
  • Use a planner or calendar: Keep track of work and family commitments using a planner or digital calendar. It helps you visualize your schedule and ensures you don't miss important personal or work-related events.
  • Reflect and adjust: Regularly evaluate how well your routine is working and make necessary adjustments. What works for one period may not be ideal for another, so stay open to modifying your way as needed.

2. Create boundaries

  • Create a designated workspace: Decide on a space where you can work and stick to it. And try to avoid letting work invade other parts of the house. This will help you to concentrate and be productive while keeping your family life separate and stress-free.
  • Set specific working hours: Set precise work hours for yourself and try to stick to them. Allow yourself breaks in between and save some time for leisure. Make sure you communicate these working hours to your family members and colleagues.
  • Set clear expectations: If possible, discuss with your family members your working hours and the type of attention they could expect from you while you are working. You could set ground rules depending on your children's ages and tell them when they should leave you alone.
  • Manage your distractions: Working from home for parents could lead to many distractions due to children and family members pulling your attention. To avoid too many distractions, try having separate play or leisure time for everyone during your working hours.
  • Make time for family: Regular breaks while working to spend quality time with your family will help you be productive. You could also set aside a specific time of the day to spend exclusively with your family. It will help you create an equilibrium between work and family life.
  • Use visual cues: Use visual cues like a closed office door or a "do not disturb" sign when you're working to let your family know that you shouldn't be interrupted unless it's an emergency.

3. Prioritize communication

Whether with your spouse or older children, ensure an open line of communication exists within the household about each person's needs, aspirations, and struggles. Discussing challenges openly and respectfully can help resolve potential conflicts and lead to practical solutions that meet everyone's needs.
Do not assume that you will be able to juggle childcare and other household duties. And don't be afraid to speak out when a long-standing relationship standard doesn't apply in this current situation. For instance, now that you are both at home and spending the day with each other, you may need to forgo your usual routine of watching Netflix together after the kids are in bed.
Share your ideas and concerns as soon as possible. Waiting until you are frustrated increases your likelihood of being demanding or blaming your spouse for not fulfilling a need they were unaware you had. You must often address each of your requirements, wants, and expectations.

4. Work on your stamina

One of the most critical things parents working from home must accomplish right now is managing their physical stamina.
This entails
  • getting as much rest as you can,
  • eating wholesome foods,
  • drinking enough water, and
  • sneaking in stress-reduction techniques like meditation.
You will undoubtedly find it difficult to fit all of these things into your calendar, but it is something that you need to do.
Do yourself a favor and refrain from binge-watching the news while indulging in late-night stress eating. You'll wake up cranky, stressed out the next day, and unprepared to tackle your already-heavy schedule. Make sleep your self-care practice if you can only maintain one in the coming days. Remember that sleeping well enough is more important than sending an email, that may very well be done the next day. Similarly watching a program with your partner outside of office hours is not being selfish even if you have a lot of tasks to tackle.

5. Manage interruptions

  • Communicate with family members: Have an open conversation with your family about your work hours and the importance of minimizing interruptions during that time. Explain to them when it's acceptable to interrupt you (e.g., emergencies) and when it's best to wait until your designated break or family time.
  • Use a shared calendar: Share your work schedule and any important meetings or deadlines on a shared calendar visible to your family. This way, they can plan their activities accordingly and be mindful of your work commitments.
  • Set expectations with colleagues: Let your colleagues or clients know about your work hours and when they can expect to hear from you. Managing their expectations can help reduce work-related interruptions outside your designated work hours.
  • Use noise-canceling headphones: If you're easily distracted by noise, consider using noise-canceling headphones to create a focused work environment.
  • Be proactive with childcare: If possible, coordinate childcare during your work hours to reduce interruptions from children who need attention. This could involve hiring a babysitter, relying on family members, or taking turns with your partner to manage childcare responsibilities.

6. Be Flexible

  • Adjust work hours when needed: Embrace the flexibility of working from home by adjusting your work hours to accommodate family needs. If possible, plan your work around your family's schedule, so you can be present during important moments.
  • Prioritize tasks based on urgency: Recognize that not all work tasks must be completed immediately. Prioritize your workload and focus on the most critical tasks, allowing you to manage your time more effectively.
  • Let go of perfectionism: Perfectionism is often unhelpful when managing work and family responsibilities. Instead, strive to be efficient and focus on achieving a reasonable daily goal. Allow yourself to be flexible if it's not possible to check off everything on your to-do list. This will help reduce stress and make managing work and home responsibilities much easier.
  • Don't expect too much of yourself: As a parent working from home, it can be easy to expect too much of yourself when navigating the work-life balance. It's important to remember that some days will be more hectic than others, and some tasks will have to take a backseat — that's okay. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get everything done or if things don't turn out as planned.

7. Outsource Tasks

It can be difficult to balance work and home life for parents who are now working from home, but it is possible with a few simple strategies. One of the most important strategies for busy parents is to outsource tasks that take up time during the workday, such as housework, meal preparation, and childcare. Outsourcing these tasks can help reduce stress and give parents more time to focus on their work and parenting responsibilities.
  • One of the easiest tasks that parents can outsource is housework. Hiring a housekeeper or cleaning service can be a great way to take some of the burden of household chores off you. You can also look for a local service that offers meal preparation and plan to have meals prepped for the whole week. This can save you a lot of time to focus on your work and help them stay productive.
  • Another task that parents working from home can outsource is childcare. While it may be essential for both parents to be working from home to share responsibilities equally, this can lead to more stress when it comes to childcare. Consider looking into daycare or a babysitting service to provide childcare.
Periodically assess the effectiveness of outsourcing arrangements. If a particular task isn't being handled well or doesn't provide the expected benefits, consider adjusting or seeking alternatives.

8. Practice self-care

  • Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your day-to-day life to reduce stress and maintain mental well-being.
  • Exercise regularly: Physical activities and exercises are essential for overall well-being. Find time for exercise, whether it's a workout at home, a walk in nature, or an online fitness class.
  • Engage in hobbies: Make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy. Whether it's reading, painting, gardening, or cooking, engaging in hobbies can provide a sense of fulfillment and relaxation.
  • Get enough sleep: Prioritize sufficient sleep to ensure you have the energy to handle both work and family responsibilities. Establish a consistent bedtime routine to promote better sleep quality.
  • Connect with others: Stay socially connected with friends and loved ones. Engage in virtual meetups or phone calls to maintain a support network and share experiences.

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