11 ways to boost your remote employee’s career growth


Rachita Jain


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Should you support the growth of your remote employees?
Yes absolutely! Investing in your employees' career growth can increase their job satisfaction and strengthen their loyalty to the company. Providing opportunities for professional development can lead to improved performance. The more advanced their career roadmap, the more growth they will bring to your company.

How does creating a career roadmap for your employees benefit your organization?

When remote employees feel supported in their career growth, they are more likely to stay positive, engaged, and committed to the company's mission and values. Moreover, supporting the career growth of remote employees is essential for several reasons:
  1. Employee engagement and retention: Providing opportunities for career growth can increase employee engagement and job satisfaction, leading to higher retention levels. This is important for remote employees who may feel disconnected from the company culture and their colleagues.
  1. Professional development: Offering opportunities for professional development and training can help remote employees acquire new skills and knowledge, improving their job performance and contributing to the company's success.
  1. Talent attraction: Supporting the career growth of remote employees can also help attract top talent to the company. Candidates are often attracted to companies that offer career advancement and professional development opportunities. According to 59% of millennials, career development opportunities are critical in determining whether or not to apply for a job.
  1. Innovation and creativity: Remote employees who feel supported in their career growth feel motivated, leading to increased innovation and creativity in the workplace.
  1. Organizational culture: Opportunities for professional growth are one of the most crucial elements of company culture, according to 76% of millennials.
Supporting the career growth of remote employees can contribute to a positive organizational culture where employees feel valued and supported by their employers.

How are career development opportunities different in a remote setup?

Career development opportunities for remote employees may differ from those in a traditional office setup, as remote work can present unique challenges to professional development and career growth.
Here are some ways in which development opportunities may be different in a remote setup:
  1. Virtual training and development: Remote employees may need to participate in virtual training and development opportunities, which can be delivered through webinars, online courses, or video conferencing. Virtual training is good, but it can be tiresome as your employees will have to stick to the screen all the time. Encourage them to follow the Pomodoro technique to help them beat screen tension.
  1. Remote mentorship and coaching: Mentoring employees is the best way to boost their knowledge. Remote employees may require mentorship and coaching that is specifically tailored to their remote work environment. This can include virtual check-ins, regular feedback, and guidance on navigating the challenges of remote work. Now giving feedback in a remote work setup is different than in physical mode. You miss out on many things in virtual mode, such as body language. Therefore, try to make your feedback as polite and expressive as possible.
  1. Networking: Remote employees may miss opportunities for informal networking or face-to-face interactions that can lead to career development. You can offer virtual networking opportunities, such as online communities or video conferences, to help remote employees build relationships and connect with colleagues.
  1. Collaboration: Collaboration can be more challenging in a remote work environment, as employees may be working across different time zones or have limited opportunities for face-to-face interaction. You can facilitate virtual collaboration tools, such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and online project management platforms, to help remote employees work together effectively.
  1. Communication skills: Remote work requires strong communication skills, as remote employees must be able to communicate effectively through digital channels. To develop your staff's communication skills, you can offer training and development opportunities.
When it comes to development opportunities, remote work has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that remote work offers flexibility and control over one's schedule, enabling employees to pursue learning opportunities on their own time, such as self-paced e-learning, on-demand lecture, or webinars.
On the other hand, remote work can also be isolating and make it difficult to connect with colleagues and mentors, limiting opportunities for mentoring employees.
Therefore, you need to develop strategies to overcome the limitations of remote work for career advancement.

Best ways to help your remote employees in their career growth

Supporting the career growth of remote employees can be challenging, but these strategies can help them thrive in their careers:

1. Assessing remote employee needs:

The first step in fostering career development for remote workers is to assess their current skills, strengths, and weaknesses. Assessment can be achieved through performance evaluations, skills assessments, and employee surveys.
  • Performance evaluations can help you identify areas where remote employees excel and areas where they may need additional support.
  • Skills assessments can provide valuable insights into remote employees' existing skillset and the skills they need to develop further.
  • Employee surveys can help you better understand the needs and aspirations of your remote workforce.

2. Setting career goals

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Once you have assessed the needs of your remote workers, the next step is to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) career goals. These goals should be aligned with your company's objectives and growth opportunities and should be communicated clearly to remote workers. You should encourage remote workers to set their career goals and provide support and resources to help them achieve those goals.

3. Providing learning and development opportunities

To foster professional development, you must provide access to learning and development opportunities. This can include training programs, coaching, mentoring, and job shadowing programs.
Online courses, conferences, and industry events can also be valuable resources for remote workers. You should encourage remote workers to take advantage of these opportunities and provide support and resources to help them do so.
1. Online training courses: Look for courses relevant to your remote employees' roles and offer them access. Many online platforms offer a wide range of courses on various topics.
2. Virtual conferences: Many conferences and events have moved online, making it easier for remote employees to attend. Encourage your team to attend relevant events and provide them with the necessary resources to do so.
3. Webinars: They are a great way to learn about specific topics in a short amount of time. Consider hosting your webinars or encouraging employees to attend relevant ones.
4. Mentorship programs: Pair employees with more experienced team members to provide guidance and support. It can be especially helpful for remote employees who may feel disconnected from the team.
5. Certifications: If certifications are relevant to your industry or role, consider offering them as a development opportunity for your team. It is an exceptional way to show your employees that you value their professional growth.

4. Encouraging networking

Networking and collaboration are essential for career advancement, and you must find ways to promote virtual networking and collaboration among remote workers.
Virtual team-building activities, peer-to-peer mentoring, and cross-functional projects are just a few examples of encouraging remote workers to connect and build relationships. It will not only help them acquire new skills but will also aid them in building their professional reputation.
You should also provide opportunities for remote workers to connect with in-person colleagues and attend company events. Organizing company trips is one way to do so.

5. Recognizing and rewarding progress

Finally, it's essential to recognize and reward the progress and achievements of remote workers.
  • It's essential to establish clear performance metrics and goals that your remote employees can work towards. These goals should be challenging but achievable. They should be aligned with their career development and the organization's overall goals.
  • Recognition can be shown via performance bonuses, promotions, public recognition, and career development plans. You should provide opportunities for remote workers to advance their careers within the company.
  • When your remote employees reach significant milestones or achieve their goals, recognize their achievements. Consider sending a personalized message of congratulations or publicly acknowledging their accomplishment in a team meeting or company newsletter.
  • Each remote employee is unique, so it's important to tailor your rewards to their preferences. For example, one employee may appreciate a monetary bonus, while another may prefer extra time off.

6. Reinforce a culture of learning

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As a leader, you should make learning a priority.
  • Encourage your remote employees to share their knowledge and expertise with their colleagues. This helps create a learning culture where everyone continuously learns from each other.
  • Furthermore, a growth mindset is essential for creating a culture of learning. Encourage your remote employees to embrace challenges. Inspire them to view mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.

7. Constant feedback

You should communicate regularly with remote workers and provide feedback on their progress and achievements.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with your remote employees to discuss their progress and provide feedback. These check-ins can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the needs of the remote employee.
  • Use a mix of positive and constructive feedback to provide a well-rounded view of performance. Positive feedback reinforces good work and motivates remote employees to continue performing well, while constructive feedback highlights areas that need improvement and provides a roadmap for development.
  • Be specific when providing feedback to remote employees. Provide specific examples of behavior or work products that illustrate your feedback.
  • Encourage remote employees to self-reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement. This can help them to take ownership of their development and increase their engagement.

8. Provide mental health support

Providing mental health support for your remote employees is crucial for their career growth and well-being. Here are some specific strategies that you can use to provide mental health support for your remote team:
  1. Encourage work-life balance: Encourage remote employees to maintain a good work-life balance by setting clear expectations and modeling healthy behavior. Encourage them to take breaks and prioritize self-care.
  1. Provide access to mental health resources: Provide access to mental health resources. It may include an employee assistance program (EAP), counseling services, or virtual mental health support. Ensure that remote employees are aware of these resources and know how to access them.
  1. Foster open communication: Foster open communication with remote employees by creating a culture where they feel comfortable sharing their concerns or struggles. Encourage them to speak up if they are feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
  1. Offer flexible work arrangements: Offer flexible work arrangements such as flexible hours or remote workdays to help remote employees manage their work and personal responsibilities.
  1. Provide training on mental health: Provide training on mental health for all employees, including managers, to help them recognize signs of distress and respond appropriately.
  1. Normalize seeking mental health support: Normalize seeking mental health support by discussing mental health openly and showing that it is okay to ask for help.

9. Take the lead

Advocate for your remote employees by identifying opportunities for career advancement and advocating for their advancement within the organization. This shows that you are invested in their success and can help them to achieve their career goals.
Be a mentor for your remote employees by providing guidance and support as they navigate their career paths. This includes sharing your own experiences and providing feedback and advice when needed.

10. Rotate employee roles

Rotating remote employee roles can be a great way to support their career growth and development. Here are some potential benefits of role rotations for remote employees:
  • Increases exposure: Role rotations can help remote employees gain exposure to different teams, projects, and business units within the company, giving them a broader understanding of the organization.
  • Builds new skills: When remote employees rotate through different roles, they have the opportunity to build new skills and knowledge, which can help them grow professionally and take on new challenges. Exposure to different parts of the business can lead to new ideas and perspectives that can benefit the company.

11. Create a succession planning program

Succession planning is a comprehensive process that helps you identify and help develop employees who have the potential to fill key leadership positions.
  • Identify the critical roles in your organization and the skills and experience required to succeed in those roles. This will help you identify which employees are potential successors for those roles.
  • Conduct regular talent reviews to evaluate the progress of your remote employees and identify potential successors for key roles.
  • Work with your remote employees to develop clear career roadmaps that align with their interests, strengths, and the organization's needs.

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